Managing Logs

Dynamic Log Levels

Pinot supports inspecting and modifying Log4J log levels dynamically in production environments through REST. This can often be helpful when debugging an issue that is transient in nature and restarting the server with new configurations files could alter the behavior.

Supported Operations

List All Loggers

GET /loggers
Parameter Type
Parameter Name


accept string

Setting to "accept: application/json" is recommended

Sample Usage:

$ curl -X GET -H "accept: application/json" localhost:8000/loggers

Fetch Specific Logger

GET /loggers/{loggerName}
Parameter Type
Parameter Name


accept string

Setting to "accept: application/json" is recommended

Path Parameter

loggerName string

The name of the logger (fully qualified path)

Sample Usage:

> curl -X GET -H "accept: application/json" localhost:8000/loggers/root

Set Logger Level

PUT /loggers/{loggerName}?level={level}
Parameter Type
Parameter Name


accept string

Setting to "accept: application/json" is recommended

Path Parameter

loggerName string

The name of the logger (fully qualified path)

Query Parameter

level string

the log level (such as DEBUG or INFO

Sample Usage

$ curl -X PUT -H "accept: application/json" localhost:8000/loggers/root?level=ERROR

Downloading Component Logs

Pinot supports downloading logs directly over HTTP in situations where the operator may not have access to the container, but has access to the rest endpoints.

If the operator has access to the Controller, they can download log files from any one of the other components.

Supported Operations

List Available Log Files

GET /loggers/files
Parameter Type
Parameter Name


accept string

Setting to "accept: application/json" is recommended

Download a Log File

GET /loggers/download?filePath={filePath}
Parameter Type
Parameter name


accept string

Setting to "accept: application/octet_string" is recommended

Query Parameter

filePath string

The path to the file, can be obtained using GET /loggers/files

Remote Log APIs

List Log Files on All Instances

GET /loggers/instances
Parameter Type
Parameter Name


accept string

Setting to "accept": application/json" is recommended

List Log Files on a Specific Instance

GET /loggers/instances/{instanceName}
Parameter Type
Parameter Name


accept string

Setting to "accept": application/json" is recommended

Path Parameter

instanceName string

Indicates which instance to collect logs from

Download Remote Log From Given Instance

GET /loggers/instances/{instanceName}/download?filePath={filePath}
Parameter Type
Parameter Name


accept string

Setting to "accept: application/octet

Path Parameter

instanceName string

Indicates which instance to collect logs from

Query Parameter

filePath string

Indicates which file to download

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