Segment compaction on upserts

Use segment compaction on upsert-enabled real-time tables.

Overview of segment compaction

Compacting a segment replaces the completed segment with a compacted segment that only contains the latest version of records. For more information about how to use upserts on a real-time table in Pinot, see Stream Ingestion with Upsert.

The Pinot upsert feature stores all versions of the record ingested into immutable segments on disk. Even though the previous versions are not queried, they continue to add to the storage overhead. To remove older records (no longer used in query results) and reclaim storage space, we need to compact Pinot segments periodically. Segment compaction is done via a new minion task. To schedule Pinot tasks periodically, see the Minion documentation.

Compact segments on upserts in a real-time table

To compact segments on upserts, complete the following steps:

  1. Ensure task scheduling is enabled and a minion is available.

  2. Add the following to your table configuration. These configurations (except schedule)determine which segments to compact.

"task": {
  "taskTypeConfigsMap": {
    "UpsertCompactionTask": {
      "schedule": "0 */5 * ? * *",
      "bufferTimePeriod": "7d",
      "invalidRecordsThresholdPercent": "30",
      "invalidRecordsThresholdCount": "100000",
      "tableMaxNumTasks": "100",
      "validDocIdsType": "SNAPSHOT"
  • bufferTimePeriod: To compact segments once they are complete, set to “0d”. To delay compaction (as the configuration above shows by 7 days ("7d")), specify the number of days to delay compaction after a segment completes.

  • invalidRecordsThresholdPercent (Optional) Limits the older records allowed in the completed segment as a percentage of the total number of records in the segment. In the example above, the completed segment may be selected for compaction when 30% of the records in the segment are old.

  • invalidRecordsThresholdCount (Optional) Limits the older records allowed in the completed segment by record count. In the example above, if the segment contains more than 100K records, it may be selected for compaction.

  • tableMaxNumTasks (Optional) Limits the number of tasks allowed to be scheduled.

  • validDocIdsType (Optional) Specifies the source of validDocIds to fetch when running the data compaction. The valid types are SNAPSHOT, IN_MEMORY, IN_MEMORY_WITH_DELETE

    • SNAPSHOT: Default validDocIds type. This indicates that the validDocIds bitmap is loaded from the snapshot from the Pinot segment. UpsertConfig's enableSnapshot must be enabled for this type.

    • IN_MEMORY: This indicates that the validDocIds bitmap is loaded from the real-time server's in-memory.

    • IN_MEMORY_WITH_DELETE: This indicates that the validDocIds bitmap is read from the real-time server's in-memory. The valid document ids here does take account into the deleted records. UpsertConfig's deleteRecordColumn must be provided for this type.

WARNING Using in-memory based validDocids type (IN_MEMORY, IN_MEMORY_WITH_DELETE) is dangerous as it will not guarantee us the consistency in some edge cases (e.g. fetching validDocIds bitmap while the server is restarting & updating validDocIds).


The following example includes a dataset with 24M records and 240K unique keys that have each been duplicated 100 times. After ingesting the data, there are 6 segments (5 completed segments and 1 consuming segment) with a total estimated size of 22.8MB.

Submitting the query “set skipUpsert=true; select count(*) from transcript_upsert” before compaction produces 24,000,000 results:

After the compaction tasks are complete, the Minion Task Manager UI reports the following.

Segment compactions generates a task for each segment to compact. Five tasks were generated in this case because 90% of the records (3.6–4.5M records) are considered ready for compaction in the completed segments, exceeding the configured thresholds.

Submitting the query again shows the count matches the set of 240K unique keys.

Once segment compaction has completed, the total number of segments remain the same and the total estimated size drops to 2.77MB.

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