Create and update a table configuration

Create and edit a table configuration in the Pinot UI or with the API.

In Apache Pinot, create a table by creating a JSON file, generally referred to as your table config. Update, add, or delete parameters as needed, and then reload the file.

Create a Pinot table configuration

Before you create a Pinot table configuration, you must first have a running Pinot cluster with broker and server tenants.

  1. Create a plaintext file locally using settings from the available properties for your use case.

  2. Use the Pinot API to upload your table config file: POST @fileName.json URL:9000/tables

You may find it useful to download [an example from the Pinot GitHub]( and then modify it. An example from among these is included at the end of this page in [Example Pinot table config file](#example-pinot-table-config-file).

Update a Pinot table configuration

To modify your Pinot table configuration, use the Pinot UI or the API.

Any time you make a change to your table config, you may need to do one or more of the following, depending on the change.

Simple changes only require updating and saving your modified table configuration file. These include:

To update existing data and segments, after you update and save the changes to the table config file, do the following as applicable:

When you add or modify indexes or the table schema, perform a segment reload. To reload all segments:

  • In the Pinot UI, from the table page, click Reload All Segments.

  • Using the Pinot API, send POST /segments/{tableName}/reload.

When you re-partition data, perform a segment refresh. To refresh, replace an existing segment with a new one by uploading a segment reusing the existing filename. Use the Pinot API, send POST /segments?tableName={yourTableName}.

When you change the transform function used to populate a derived field or increase the number of partitions in an upsert-enabled table, perform a table re-bootstrap. One way to do this is to delete and recreate the table:

  • Using the Pinot API, first send DELETE /tables/{tableName} followed by POST /tables with the new table configuration.

When you change the stream topic or change the Kafka cluster containing the Kafka topic you want to consume from, perform a real-time ingestion pause and resume. To pause and resume real-time ingestion:

  • Using the Pinot API, first send POST /tables/{tableName}/pauseConsumption followed by POST /tables/{tableName}/resumeConsumption.

Update a Pinot table in the UI

To update a table configuration in the Pinot UI, do the following:

  1. In the Cluster Manager click the Tenant Name of the tenant that hosts the table you want to modify.

  2. Click the Table Name in the list of tables in the tenant.

  3. Click the Edit Table button. This creates a pop-up window containing the table configuration. Edit the contents in this window. Click Save when you are done.

Update a Pinot table using the API

To update a table configuration using the Pinot API, do the following:

  1. Get the current table configuration with GET /tables/{tableName}.

  2. Modify the file locally.

  3. Upload the edited file with PUT /table/{tableName} fileName.json.

Example Pinot table configuration file

This example comes from the Apache Pinot Quickstart Examples. This table configuration defines a table called airlineStats_OFFLINE, which you can interact with by running the example.

  "OFFLINE": {
    "tableName": "airlineStats_OFFLINE",
    "tableType": "OFFLINE",
    "segmentsConfig": {
      "timeType": "DAYS",
      "replication": "1",
      "segmentAssignmentStrategy": "BalanceNumSegmentAssignmentStrategy",
      "timeColumnName": "DaysSinceEpoch",
      "segmentPushType": "APPEND",
      "minimizeDataMovement": false
    "tenants": {
      "broker": "DefaultTenant",
      "server": "DefaultTenant"
    "tableIndexConfig": {
      "rangeIndexVersion": 2,
      "autoGeneratedInvertedIndex": false,
      "createInvertedIndexDuringSegmentGeneration": false,
      "loadMode": "MMAP",
      "enableDefaultStarTree": false,
      "starTreeIndexConfigs": [
          "dimensionsSplitOrder": [
          "skipStarNodeCreationForDimensions": [],
          "functionColumnPairs": [
          "maxLeafRecords": 10
          "dimensionsSplitOrder": [
          "skipStarNodeCreationForDimensions": [],
          "functionColumnPairs": [
          "maxLeafRecords": 10
      "enableDynamicStarTreeCreation": true,
      "aggregateMetrics": false,
      "nullHandlingEnabled": false,
      "optimizeDictionary": false,
      "optimizeDictionaryForMetrics": false,
      "noDictionarySizeRatioThreshold": 0
    "metadata": {
      "customConfigs": {}
    "fieldConfigList": [
        "name": "ts",
        "encodingType": "DICTIONARY",
        "indexType": "TIMESTAMP",
        "indexTypes": [
        "timestampConfig": {
          "granularities": [
    "ingestionConfig": {
      "transformConfigs": [
          "columnName": "ts",
          "transformFunction": "fromEpochDays(DaysSinceEpoch)"
          "columnName": "tsRaw",
          "transformFunction": "fromEpochDays(DaysSinceEpoch)"
      "continueOnError": false,
      "rowTimeValueCheck": false,
      "segmentTimeValueCheck": true
    "tierConfigs": [
        "name": "hotTier",
        "segmentSelectorType": "time",
        "segmentAge": "3130d",
        "storageType": "pinot_server",
        "serverTag": "DefaultTenant_OFFLINE"
        "name": "coldTier",
        "segmentSelectorType": "time",
        "segmentAge": "3140d",
        "storageType": "pinot_server",
        "serverTag": "DefaultTenant_OFFLINE"
    "isDimTable": false