
Integrate with Trino for ad hoc queries with Full SQL

Start running Trino Image with pre-built Trino Pinot connector.

1. Install Pinot

Run below command to install Pinot using HelmCharts.

helm repo add pinot
kubectl create ns pinot-quickstart
helm install pinot pinot/pinot -n pinot-quickstart --set

You can create an example table by running the command below, if you are under pinot binary directory

Before PR got merged, Change the Pinot table name to all lower cases for table conf/schema and ingestion job spec

bin/ BootstrapTable -dir examples/batch/airlineStats

2. Install Trino

Run below command to add Trino Helm repo and fetch default helm config file:

helm repo add trino
helm inspect values trino/trino > /tmp/trino.yaml

Edit /tmp/trino.yaml file to add your pinot catalog:

Here, since pinot is deployed at namespace pinot-quickstart, so the controller url is pinot-controller.pinot-quickstart:9000

  pinot: |

Install Trino HelmCharts with config file:

helm create ns trino-quickstart
helm install my-trino trino/trino --version 0.2.0 --values /tmp/trino.yaml -n trino-quickstart 

3. Connecting to Trino

Download Trino Client.

curl -L -o /tmp/trino && chmod +x /tmp/trino

Port forward Trino service to your local if it's not already exposed.

export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace trino-quickstart -l "app=trino,release=my-trino,component=coordinator" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
echo "Visit to use your application"
kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:8080 --namespace trino-quickstart

Use Trino console client to connect to Trino service

/tmp/trino --server localhost:8080 --catalog pinot --schema default

Then write your own queries:

trino:default> show tables;
(2 rows)

Query 20211022_214646_00003_gmppt, FINISHED, 3 nodes
Splits: 36 total, 36 done (100.00%)
0.44 [2 rows, 59B] [4 rows/s, 133B/s]
trino:default> select count(*) as flights_from_ca_to_ny from airlinestats where originstate='CA' and deststate='NY';
(1 row)

Query 20211022_215024_00007_gmppt, FINISHED, 1 node
Splits: 17 total, 17 done (100.00%)
2.14 [1 rows, 9B] [0 rows/s, 4B/s]
trino:default> select * from airlinestats limit 1;
 flightnum | origin | quarter | lateaircraftdelay | divactualelapsedtime | divwheelsons | divwheelsoffs |   airtime   |  arrdel15   | divtotalgtimes | deptimeblk | destcitymarketid |  divairportseqids  | dayssinceepoch | deptime | month | crselapsedtime | deststatename | carrier | destairportid | distance | arrtimeblk | divarrdelay | securitydelay | longestaddgtime | originwac | wheelsoff | destairportseqid | uniquecarrier | divreacheddest | diverted | actualelapsedtime | airlineid
        24 | SFO    |       1 |       -2147483648 |                 1968 | [1339, 2310] | [1908, 1758]  | -2147483648 | -2147483648 | [121, 50]      | 0700-0759  |            31703 | [1319801, 1072102] |          16075 |     723 |     1 |            335 | New York      | AA      |         12478 |     2586 | 1500-1559  |        1651 |   -2147483648 |     -2147483648 |        91 |       737 |          1247802 | AA            |              1 |        1 |       -2147483648 |     19805
(1 row)

Query 20211022_215050_00008_gmppt, FINISHED, 2 nodes
Splits: 48 total, 19 done (39.58%)
1.90 [2 rows, 1.65KB] [1 rows/s, 887B/s]

Meanwhile you can access Trino Cluster UI to see query stats.

(Disclaimer: Trino is a third-party software that is not part of the Apache Software Foundation).

Last updated

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