
Integrate with Presto for ad hoc queries with Full SQL

Start running Presto Image with pre-built Presto Pinot connector.

Run below command to start a standalone Presto coordinator.

docker run \
  --network pinot-demo \
  --name=presto-coordinator \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -d apachepinot/pinot-presto:latest

Then you can connect to presto with Presto-Cli.

if [[ ! -f "/tmp/presto-cli" ]]; then
    curl -L -o /tmp/presto-cli
    chmod +x /tmp/presto-cli
/tmp/presto-cli --server localhost:8080 --catalog pinot_quickstart --schema default

Then write your own queries;

presto:default> show tables;
(1 row)

Query 20200211_185652_00006_w6yfz, FINISHED, 1 node
Splits: 19 total, 19 done (100.00%)
0:00 [1 rows, 29B] [3 rows/s, 99B/s]
presto:default> select count(*) as flights_from_ca_to_ny from airlinestats where originstate='CA' and deststate='NY';
(1 row)

Query 20200211_190136_00018_w6yfz, FINISHED, 1 node
Splits: 17 total, 17 done (100.00%)
0:00 [1 rows, 8B] [5 rows/s, 42B/s]
presto:default> select * from airlinestats limit 1;
 flightnum | origin | quarter | lateaircraftdelay | divactualelapsedtime | divwheelsons | divwheelsoffs | airtime | arrdel15 | divtotalgtimes | deptimeblk | destcitymarketid | divairportseqids | dayssinceepoch | deptime | month | crselapsedtime | deststatename | carrier |
       122 | DFW    |       1 |       -2147483648 |          -2147483648 |              |               |     202 |        0 |                | 0700-0759  |            32457 |                  |          16088 |     715 |     1 |            235 | California    | AA      |
(1 row)

Query 20200211_185719_00007_w6yfz, FINISHED, 1 node
Splits: 17 total, 17 done (100.00%)
0:02 [1 rows, 325B] [0 rows/s, 133B/s]

Meanwhile you can access Presto Cluster UI to see query stats.

Advanced features

Using Pinot Streaming/gRPC connector

For Pinot version [0.6.0, 0.10.0] and Presto Version [0.244, 0.277].

Pinot >=0.11.0 has enabled server gRPC by default;

Presto >=0.278 only supports gRPC for server queries, so this is supported by default.

Presto supports aggregation and predicate push down to Pinot. However, for certain queries that Pinot doesn't handle, Presto tries to fetch all the rows from the Pinot table segment by segment. This is definitely not an ideal access pattern for Pinot.

In order to support large data scanning, Pinot [0.6.0, 0.10.0] introduces a gRPC server for on-demand data scanning with a reasonably smaller memory footprint.

You can enable it by adding the below configs to the Pinot server config file:


Then you can enable the streaming connector in Presto [0.244, 0.277] by adding the below config to the Pinot catalog configs.


This config: pinot.use-streaming-for-segment-queries is removed from prestodb 0.278, and will raise an error if you add it.

(Disclaimer: Presto is a third-party software that is not part of the Apache Software Foundation).

Last updated

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