Transformation Functions
This document contains the list of all the transformation functions supported by Pinot SQL.
Math Functions
String Functions
Multiple string functions are supported out of the box from release-0.5.0 .
DateTime Functions
Date time functions allow you to perform transformations on columns that contain timestamps or dates.
JSON Functions
Transform Functions
These functions can only be used in Pinot SQL queries.
Scalar Functions
These functions can be used for column transformation in table ingestion configs.
Binary Functions
Multi-value Column Functions
All of the functions mentioned till now only support single value columns. You can use the following functions to do operations on multi-value columns.
Advanced Queries
Geospatial Queries
Pinot supports Geospatial queries on columns containing text-based geographies. For more details on the queries and how to enable them, see Geospatial.
Text Queries
Pinot supports pattern matching on text-based columns. Only the columns mentioned as text columns in table config can be queried using this method. For more details on how to enable pattern matching, see Text search support.