Discover the segment component in Apache Pinot for efficient data storage and querying within Pinot clusters, enabling optimized data processing and analysis.
Pinot has the concept of a table, which is a logical abstraction to refer to a collection of related data. Pinot has a distributed architecture and scales horizontally. Pinot expects the size of a table to grow infinitely over time. In order to achieve this, the entire data needs to be distributed across multiple nodes.
Pinot achieves this by breaking the data into smaller chunks known as segments (similar to shards/partitions in relational databases). Segments can be seen as time-based partitions.
A segment is a horizontal shard representing a chunk of table data with some number of rows. The segment stores data for all columns of the table. Each segment packs the data in a columnar fashion, along with the dictionaries and indices for the columns. The segment is laid out in a columnar format so that it can be directly mapped into memory for serving queries.
Columns can be single or multi-valued and the following types are supported: STRING, BOOLEAN, INT, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, TIMESTAMP or BYTES. Only single-valued BIG_DECIMAL data type is supported.
Columns may be declared to be metric or dimension (or specifically as a time dimension) in the schema. Columns can have default null values. For example, the default null value of a integer column can be 0. The default value for bytes columns must be hex-encoded before it's added to the schema.
Pinot uses dictionary encoding to store values as a dictionary ID. Columns may be configured to be “no-dictionary” column in which case raw values are stored. Dictionary IDs are encoded using minimum number of bits for efficient storage (e.g. a column with a cardinality of 3 will use only 2 bits for each dictionary ID).
A forward index is built for each column and compressed for efficient memory use. In addition, you can optionally configure inverted indices for any set of columns. Inverted indices take up more storage, but improve query performance. Specialized indexes like Star-Tree index are also supported. For more details, see Indexing.
Creating a segment
Once the table is configured, we can load some data. Loading data involves generating pinot segments from raw data and pushing them to the pinot cluster. Data can be loaded in batch mode or streaming mode. For more details, see the ingestion overview page.
Below are instructions to generate and push segments to Pinot via standalone scripts. For a production setup, you should use frameworks such as Hadoop or Spark. For more details on setting up data ingestion jobs, see Import Data.
Job Spec YAML
To generate a segment, we need to first create a job spec YAML file. This file contains all the information regarding data format, input data location, and pinot cluster coordinates. Note that this assumes that the controller is RUNNING to fetch the table config and schema. If not, you will have to configure the spec to point at their location. For full configurations, see Ingestion Job Spec.
Alternately, you can separately create and then push, by changing the jobType to SegmentCreation or SegmenTarPush.
Templating Ingestion Job Spec
The Ingestion job spec supports templating with Groovy Syntax.
This is convenient if you want to generate one ingestion job template file and schedule it on a daily basis with extra parameters updated daily.
e.g. you could set inputDirURI with parameters to indicate the date, so that the ingestion job only processes the data for a particular date. Below is an example that templates the date for input and output directories.
Below is an example of how to publish sample data to your stream. As soon as data is available to the real-time stream, it starts getting consumed by the real-time servers.
Run below command to stream JSON data into Kafka topic: flights-realtime