If you require a specialized HTTP client, you have the option to create your own HTTP client and utilize the NewWithConfigAndClient function to establish a Pinot client that can accommodate a custom HTTP client.
The Go client repository contains an example script.
Query Pinot
The Go client repository contains an example script.
Code snippet:
pinotClient, err := pinot.NewFromZookeeper([]string{"localhost:2123"}, "", "QuickStartCluster")
if err != nil {
brokerResp, err := pinotClient.ExecuteSQL("baseballStats", "select count(*) as cnt, sum(homeRuns) as sum_homeRuns from baseballStats group by teamID limit 10")
if err != nil {
log.Infof("Query Stats: response time - %d ms, scanned docs - %d, total docs - %d", brokerResp.TimeUsedMs, brokerResp.NumDocsScanned, brokerResp.TotalDocs)
Response format
The query response has the following format:
type BrokerResponse struct {
AggregationResults []*AggregationResult `json:"aggregationResults,omitempty"`
SelectionResults *SelectionResults `json:"SelectionResults,omitempty"`
ResultTable *ResultTable `json:"resultTable,omitempty"`
Exceptions []Exception `json:"exceptions"`
TraceInfo map[string]string `json:"traceInfo,omitempty"`
NumServersQueried int `json:"numServersQueried"`
NumServersResponded int `json:"numServersResponded"`
NumSegmentsQueried int `json:"numSegmentsQueried"`
NumSegmentsProcessed int `json:"numSegmentsProcessed"`
NumSegmentsMatched int `json:"numSegmentsMatched"`
NumConsumingSegmentsQueried int `json:"numConsumingSegmentsQueried"`
NumDocsScanned int64 `json:"numDocsScanned"`
NumEntriesScannedInFilter int64 `json:"numEntriesScannedInFilter"`
NumEntriesScannedPostFilter int64 `json:"numEntriesScannedPostFilter"`
NumGroupsLimitReached bool `json:"numGroupsLimitReached"`
TotalDocs int64 `json:"totalDocs"`
TimeUsedMs int `json:"timeUsedMs"`
MinConsumingFreshnessTimeMs int64 `json:"minConsumingFreshnessTimeMs"`
Note that AggregationResults and SelectionResults are holders for Pinot query language (PQL) queries.
Meanwhile, ResultTable is the holder for SQL queries. ResultTable is defined as:
// ResultTable is a ResultTable
type ResultTable struct {
DataSchema RespSchema `json:"dataSchema"`
Rows [][]interface{} `json:"rows"`
RespSchema is defined as:
// RespSchema is response schema
type RespSchema struct {
ColumnDataTypes []string `json:"columnDataTypes"`
ColumnNames []string `json:"columnNames"`
There are multiple functions defined for ResultTable, such as the following:
See an example of a function in use here and below:
// Print Response Schema
for c := 0; c < brokerResp.ResultTable.GetColumnCount(); c++ {
fmt.Printf("%s(%s)\t", brokerResp.ResultTable.GetColumnName(c), brokerResp.ResultTable.GetColumnDataType(c))
// Print Row Table
for r := 0; r < brokerResp.ResultTable.GetRowCount(); r++ {
for c := 0; c < brokerResp.ResultTable.GetColumnCount(); c++ {
fmt.Printf("%v\t", brokerResp.ResultTable.Get(r, c))