Running Pinot locally

This quick start guide will help you bootstrap a Pinot standalone instance on your local machine.

In this guide, you'll learn how to download and install Apache Pinot as a standalone instance.

Download Apache Pinot

First, download the Pinot distribution for this tutorial. You can either download a packaged release or build a distribution from the source code.


  • Install with JDK 11 or 17. JDK 21 is still ongoing.

  • For JDK 8 support, Pinot 0.12.1 is the last version compilable from the source code.

  • Pinot 1.0+ doesn't support JDK 8 anymore, build with JDK 11+

Note that some installations of the JDK do not contain the JNI bindings necessary to run all tests. If you see an error like java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError while running tests, you might need to change your JDK.

If using Homebrew, install AdoptOpenJDK 11 using brew install --cask adoptopenjdk11.

Support for M1 and M2 Mac systems

Currently, Apache Pinot doesn't provide official binaries for M1 or M2 Macs. For instructions, see M1 and M2 Mac Support.

Download the distribution or build from source by selecting one of the following tabs:

Download the latest binary release from Apache Pinot, or use this command:

PINOT_VERSION=0.12.0 #set to the Pinot version you decide to use


Extract the TAR file:

tar -zxvf apache-pinot-$PINOT_VERSION-bin.tar.gz

Navigate to the directory containing the launcher scripts:

cd apache-pinot-$PINOT_VERSION-bin

You can also find older versions of Apache Pinot at For example, to download Pinot 0.10.0, run the following command:


M1 and M2 Mac Support

Currently, Apache Pinot doesn't provide official binaries for M1 or M2 Mac systems. Follow the instructions below to run on an M1 or M2 Mac:

  1. Add the following to your ~/.m2/settings.xml:

  1. Install Rosetta:

softwareupdate --install-rosetta

Set up a cluster

Now that we've downloaded Pinot, it's time to set up a cluster. There are two ways to do this: through quick start or through setting up a cluster manually.

Quick start

Pinot comes with quick start commands that launch instances of Pinot components in the same process and import pre-built datasets.

For example, the following quick start command launches Pinot with a baseball dataset pre-loaded:

./bin/ QuickStart -type batch

For a list of all the available quick start commands, see the Quick Start Examples.

Manual cluster

If you want to play with bigger datasets (more than a few megabytes), you can launch each component individually.

The video below is a step-by-step walk through for launching the individual components of Pinot and scaling them to multiple instances.

Neha Pawar from the Apache Pinot team shows you how to set up a Pinot cluster

You can find the commands that are shown in this video in the this Github repository.

The examples below assume that you are using Java 8.

If you are using Java 11+ users, remove the GC settings insideJAVA_OPTS. So, for example, instead of this:

export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms4G -Xmx8G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -Xloggc:gc-pinot-controller.log"

Use the following:

export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms4G -Xmx8G"

Start Zookeeper

./bin/ StartZookeeper \
  -zkPort 2191

You can use Zooinspector to browse the Zookeeper instance.

Start Pinot Controller

export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms4G -Xmx8G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -Xloggc:gc-pinot-controller.log"
./bin/ StartController \
    -zkAddress localhost:2191 \
    -controllerPort 9000

Start Pinot Broker

export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms4G -Xmx4G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -Xloggc:gc-pinot-broker.log"
./bin/ StartBroker \
    -zkAddress localhost:2191

Start Pinot Server

export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms4G -Xmx16G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -Xloggc:gc-pinot-server.log"
./bin/ StartServer \
    -zkAddress localhost:2191

Start Kafka

./bin/  StartKafka \ 
  -zkAddress=localhost:2191/kafka \
  -port 19092

Once your cluster is up and running, you can head over to Exploring Pinot to learn how to run queries against the data.

Start a Pinot component in debug mode with IntelliJ

Set break points and inspect variables by starting a Pinot component with debug mode in IntelliJ.

The following example demonstrates server debugging:

  1. First, startzookeeper , controller, and broker using the steps described above.

  2. Then, use the following configuration under $PROJECT_DIR$\.run ) to start the server, replacing the metrics-core version and cluster name as needed. This commit is an example of how to use it.

<component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
  <configuration default="false" name="HelixServerStarter" type="Application" factoryName="Application" nameIsGenerated="true">
      <entry path="$PROJECT_DIR$/pinot-plugins/pinot-metrics/pinot-yammer/target/classes" />
      <entry path="$MAVEN_REPOSITORY$/com/yammer/metrics/metrics-core/2.2.0/metrics-core-2.2.0.jar" />
    <option name="MAIN_CLASS_NAME" value="org.apache.pinot.server.starter.helix.HelixServerStarter" />
    <module name="pinot-server" />
    <extension name="coverage">
        <option name="PATTERN" value="org.apache.pinot.server.starter.helix.*" />
        <option name="ENABLED" value="true" />
    <method v="2">
      <option name="Make" enabled="true" />