This section contains reference documentation for the FUNNELCOUNT function.
Funnel analytics aggregation function.
Returns array of distinct correlated counts for each funnel step.
STEPS ( predicate1, predicate2 ... ),
CORRELATED_BY ( correlation_column ),
SETTINGS ( setting1, setting2 ... ) )
Usage Examples
Many datasets are time series in nature, tracking events of an entity over time. An example of such a dataset could be a user analytics activity log from a commerce web application.
We want to analyse the following checkout funnel:
We want to answer the following questions about the above funnel:
How many users entered the top of the funnel?
How many of these users proceeded to the second step?
How many users reached the bottom of the funnel after completing all steps?
Notice that although U1 user added to cart twice, it still counted as one conversion in the first step, as we report on unique counts rather than total events. Also notice that although U2 events were logged out of order, we still counted the user as converted.
The above query is equivalent to the below presto SQL query:
For a large dataset we could use for example a theta_sketch strategy, or furthermore, partition the data by user_id and leverage a partitioned strategy. It is also important to filter in the where clause so to aggregate only necessary rows.
Another Example
We now want to learn how many users checkout after a text search; as opposed to other entry points such as browsing a product category listing. We want to then analyse the following funnel:
Notice that U1 is not counted in this funnel, as the user did not perform any product search. Both U2 and U3 entered the top of the funnel and performed the second step, but only U2 converted to the bottom of the funnel.