
This section contains reference documentation for the HISTOGRAM function.

Returns the count of data points that fall within each bin as a vector. The bins are left-inclusive and right-exclusive, i.e. [a, b), except for the last one which is inclusive on both sides [a, b].


  1. Equal length bins (better performance):

HISTOGRAM(colName, lower, upper, numBins)

  1. Arbitrary increasing bin edges:

HISTOGRAM(colName, ARRAY[binEdge1, binEdge2, binEdge3, ...])

Usage Examples

These examples are based on the Batch Quick Start.

  1. 10 equal-length bins [0, 20), [20, 30) ... [180, 200]

SELECT HISTOGRAM(numberOfGames, 0, 200, 10) AS histogram
FROM baseballStats 
  1. 6 bins (- ∞, 1), [1, 10), [10, 50), [50,100), [100,500), [500, 1000]

select HISTOGRAM(AtBatting, Array['-Infinity', 1, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000]) AS histogram
from baseballStats

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