Running Pinot in Docker
This quick start guide will show you how to run a Pinot cluster using Docker.
Install Docker
You can also try Kubernetes quick start if you already have a local minikube cluster installed or Docker Kubernetes setup.
Create an isolated bridge network in docker
We'll be using our docker image apachepinot/pinot:latest
to run this quick start, which does the following:
Sets up the Pinot cluster
Creates a sample table and loads sample data
There are 3 types of quick start examples.
Batch example
Streaming example
Hybrid example
Batch example
In this example we demonstrate how to do batch processing with Pinot.
Starts Pinot deployment by starting
Apache Zookeeper
Pinot Controller
Pinot Broker
Pinot Server
Creates a demo table
Launches a standalone data ingestion job
Builds one Pinot segment for a given CSV data file for table
Pushes the built segment to the Pinot controller
Issues sample queries to Pinot
Once the Docker container is running, you can view the logs by running the following command.
That's it! We've spun up a Pinot cluster.
It may take a while for all the Pinot components to start and for the sample data to be loaded.
Use the below command to check the status in the container logs.
Your cluster is ready once you see the cluster setup completion messages and sample queries, as demonstrated below.
You can head over to Exploring Pinot to check out the data in the baseballStats
Streaming example
In this example we demonstrate how to do stream processing with Pinot.
Starts Pinot deployment by starting
Apache Kafka
Apache Zookeeper
Pinot Controller
Pinot Broker
Pinot Server
Creates a demo table
Launches a
**streamPublishes data to a Kafka topic
to be subscribed to by PinotIssues sample queries to Pinot
Once the cluster is up, you can head over to Exploring Pinot to check out the data in the meetupRSVPEvents
Hybrid example
In this example we demonstrate how to do hybrid stream and batch processing with Pinot.
Starts Pinot deployment by starting
Apache Kafka
Apache Zookeeper
Pinot Controller
Pinot Broker
Pinot Server
Creates a demo table
Launches a standalone data ingestion job
Builds Pinot segments under a given directory of Avro files for table
Pushes built segments to Pinot controller
Launches a **stream of flights stats
Publishes data to a Kafka topic
to be subscribed to by PinotIssues sample queries to Pinot
Once the cluster is up, you can head over to Exploring Pinot to check out the data in the airlineStats
Last updated
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