
Integrate with Superset

Start running Superset Image with pre-built Superset Pinot connector.

  1. Run below command to start a standalone Superset deployment

docker run \
  --network pinot-demo \
  --name=superset \
  -p 8088:8088 \
  -d apachepinot/pinot-superset:latest

2.1. (First time) Setup Admin account by running below command and follow instructions to set password.

docker exec \
    -it superset \
    bash -c 'export FLASK_APP=superset && flask fab create-admin'


2.2. (First time) DB upgrade and Initialize Superset

docker exec \
    -t superset \
    bash -c 'superset db upgrade && superset init'
  1. Import Pre-defined Pinot Datasources and Dashboard

docker exec \
    -t superset \
    bash -c 'superset import_datasources -p /etc/examples/pinot/pinot_example_datasource_quickstart.yaml && \
             superset import_dashboards -p /etc/examples/pinot/pinot_example_dashboard.json'
  1. Go to SuperSet UI: http://localhost:8088/ to play around with dashboard.

Last updated