This section contains reference documentation for the VALUEIN function.

Takes at least 2 arguments, where the first argument is a multi-valued column, and the following arguments are constant values. The transform function will filter the value from the multi-valued column with the given constant values. The VALUEIN transform function is especially useful when the same multi-valued column is both filtering column and grouping column.


VALUEIN('colName', value1, value2,...)

Usage Examples

These examples are based on the Hybrid Quick Start.

SELECT VALUEIN(RandomAirports, 'SEA') as airport, count(*)
FROM airlineStats 
GROUP BY airport
SELECT VALUEIN(RandomAirports, 'SEA', 'PSC') as airport, count(*)
FROM airlineStats 
GROUP BY airport

The count(*) values returned by these queries will increase each time we execute the query as data is constantly being ingested by the Hybrid Quick Start.

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