
Describes the union relation operator in the multi-stage query engine.

The union operator combines the results of two or more queries into a single result set. The result set contains all the rows from the queries. Contrary to other set operations (intersect and minus), the union operator does not remove duplicates from the result set. Therefore its semantic is similar to the SQL UNION or UNION ALL operator.

There is no guarantee on the order of the rows in the result set.

Implementation details

The current implementation consumes input relations one by one. It first returns all rows from the first input relation, then all rows from the second input relation, and so on.

Blocking nature

The union operator is a streaming operator that consumes the input relations one by one. The current implementation fully consumes the inputs in order. See the order of input relations matter for more details.





Type: Long

The summation of time spent by all threads executing the operator. This means that the wall time spent in the operation may be smaller that this value if the parallelism is larger than 1.


Type: Long

The number of groups emitted by the operator.

Explain attributes

The union operator is represented in the explain plan as a LogicalUnion explain node.


Type: Boolean

Whether the union operator should remove duplicates from the result set.

Although Pinot supports the SQL UNION and UNION ALL clauses, the union operator does only support the UNION ALL semantic. In order to implement the UNION semantic, the multi-stage query engine adds an extra aggregate to calculate the distinct.

For example the plan of:

select userUUID
from (select userUUID from userAttributes)
(select userUUID from userGroups)

Is expected to be:

      LogicalTableScan(table=[[default, userAttributes]])
      LogicalTableScan(table=[[default, userGroups]])

While the plan of:

explain plan for
select userUUID
from (select userUUID from userAttributes)
UNION -- without ALL!
(select userUUID from userGroups)

Is a bit more complex

            LogicalTableScan(table=[[default, userAttributes]])
            LogicalTableScan(table=[[default, userGroups]])

Notice that LogicalUnion is still using all=[true] but the LogicalAggregate is used to remove the duplicates. This also means that while the union operator is always streaming, the union clause results in a blocking plan (given the aggregate operator is blocking).

Tips and tricks

The order of input relations matters

The current implementation of the union operator consumes the input relations one by one starting from the first one. This means that the second input relation is not consumed until the first one is fully consumed and so on. Therefore is recommended to put the fastest input relation first to reduce the overall latency.

Usually a good way to set the order of the input relations is to change the input order trying to minimize the value of the downstreamWaitMs stat of all the inputs.

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