In this Apache Pinot guide, we'll learn how visualize data using the Streamlit web framework.
In this guide you'll learn how to visualize data from Apache Pinot using Streamlit. Streamlit is a Python library that makes it easy to build interactive data based web applications.
We're going to use Streamlit to build a real-time dashboard to visualize the changes being made to Wikimedia properties.
Real-Time Dashboard Architecture
Startup components
We're going to use the following Docker compose file, which spins up instances of Zookeeper, Kafka, along with a Pinot controller, broker, and server:
Run the following command to launch all the components:
Wikimedia recent changes stream
Wikimedia provides provides a continuous stream of structured event data describing changes made to various Wikimedia properties. The events are published over HTTP using the Server-Side Events (SSE) Protocol.
defwith_requests(url,headers):"""Get a streaming response for the given event feed using requests."""return requests.get(url, stream=True, headers=headers)defacked(err,msg):if err isnotNone:print("Failed to deliver message: {0}: {1}" .format(msg.value(), err.str()))defjson_serializer(obj):ifisinstance(obj, (datetime.datetime, obj.isoformat()raise"Type %s not serializable"%type(obj)
And now let's add the code that calls the recent changes API and imports events into the wiki_events topic:
The highlighted lines are how we connect Pinot to the Kafka topic that contains the events. Create the schema and table by running the following commnad:
Once you've done that, navigate to the Pinot UI and run the following query to check that the data has made its way into Pinot:
select domain, count(*) from wikievents group by domainorder bycount(*) DESClimit10
As long as you see some records, everything is working as expected.
Building a Streamlit Dashboard
Now let's write some more queries against Pinot and display the results in Streamlit.
First, install the following libraries:
Create a file called and import libraries and write a header for the page:
import pandas as pdimport streamlit as stfrom pinotdb import connectimport as pxst.set_page_config(layout="wide")st.header("Wikipedia Recent Changes")
Connect to Pinot and write a query that returns recent changes, along with the users who made the changes, and domains where they were made:
conn =connect(host='localhost', port=8099, path='/query/sql', scheme='http')query ="""select count(*) FILTER(WHERE ts > ago('PT1M')) AS events1Min, count(*) FILTER(WHERE ts <= ago('PT1M') AND ts > ago('PT2M')) AS events1Min2Min, distinctcount(user) FILTER(WHERE ts > ago('PT1M')) AS users1Min, distinctcount(user) FILTER(WHERE ts <= ago('PT1M') AND ts > ago('PT2M')) AS users1Min2Min, distinctcount(domain) FILTER(WHERE ts > ago('PT1M')) AS domains1Min, distinctcount(domain) FILTER(WHERE ts <= ago('PT1M') AND ts > ago('PT2M')) AS domains1Min2Minfrom wikievents where ts > ago('PT2M')limit 1"""curs = conn.cursor()curs.execute(query)df_summary = pd.DataFrame(curs, columns=[item[0] for item in curs.description])
The highlighted part of the query shows how to count the number of events from the last minute and the minute before that. We then do a similar thing to count the number of unique users and domains.
Go back to the terminal and run the following command:
Navigate to localhost:8501 to see the Streamlit app. You should see something like the following:
Changes per minute
Next, let's add a line chart that shows the number of changes being done to Wikimedia per minute. Add the following code to
query ="""select ToDateTime(DATETRUNC('minute', ts), 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') AS dateMin, count(*) AS changes, distinctcount(user) AS users, distinctcount(domain) AS domainsfrom wikievents where ts > ago('PT1H')group by dateMinorder by dateMin descLIMIT 30"""curs.execute(query)df_ts = pd.DataFrame(curs, columns=[item[0] for item in curs.description])df_ts_melt = pd.melt(df_ts, id_vars=['dateMin'], value_vars=['changes', 'users', 'domains'])fig = px.line(df_ts_melt, x='dateMin', y="value", color='variable', color_discrete_sequence =['blue', 'red', 'green'])fig['layout'].update(margin=dict(l=0,r=0,b=0,t=40), title="Changes/Users/Domains per minute")fig.update_yaxes(range=[0, df_ts["changes"].max() *1.1])st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)
Go back to the web browser and you should see something like this:
Auto Refresh
At the moment we need to refresh our web browser to update the metrics and line chart, but it would be much better if that happened automatically. Let's now add auto refresh functionality.
Add the following code just under the header at the top of
ifnot"sleep_time"in st.session_state: st.session_state.sleep_time =2ifnot"auto_refresh"in st.session_state: st.session_state.auto_refresh =Trueauto_refresh = st.checkbox('Auto Refresh?', st.session_state.auto_refresh)if auto_refresh: number = st.number_input('Refresh rate in seconds', value=st.session_state.sleep_time) st.session_state.sleep_time = number
And the following code at the very end:
if auto_refresh: time.sleep(number) st.experimental_rerun()
If we navigate back to our web browser, we'll see the following:
The full script used in this example is shown below:
import pandas as pdimport streamlit as stfrom pinotdb import connectfrom datetime import datetimeimport as pximport timest.set_page_config(layout="wide")conn =connect(host='localhost', port=8099, path='/query/sql', scheme='http')st.header("Wikipedia Recent Changes")now = = now.strftime("%d %B %Y %H:%M:%S")st.write(f"Last update: {dt_string}")# Use session state to keep track of whether we need to auto refresh the page and the refresh frequencyifnot"sleep_time"in st.session_state: st.session_state.sleep_time =2ifnot"auto_refresh"in st.session_state: st.session_state.auto_refresh =Trueauto_refresh = st.checkbox('Auto Refresh?', st.session_state.auto_refresh)if auto_refresh: number = st.number_input('Refresh rate in seconds', value=st.session_state.sleep_time) st.session_state.sleep_time = number# Find changes that happened in the last 1 minute# Find changes that happened between 1 and 2 minutes agoquery ="""select count(*) FILTER(WHERE ts > ago('PT1M')) AS events1Min, count(*) FILTER(WHERE ts <= ago('PT1M') AND ts > ago('PT2M')) AS events1Min2Min, distinctcount(user) FILTER(WHERE ts > ago('PT1M')) AS users1Min, distinctcount(user) FILTER(WHERE ts <= ago('PT1M') AND ts > ago('PT2M')) AS users1Min2Min, distinctcount(domain) FILTER(WHERE ts > ago('PT1M')) AS domains1Min, distinctcount(domain) FILTER(WHERE ts <= ago('PT1M') AND ts > ago('PT2M')) AS domains1Min2Minfrom wikievents where ts > ago('PT2M')limit 1"""curs = conn.cursor()curs.execute(query)df_summary = pd.DataFrame(curs, columns=[item[0] for item in curs.description])metric1, metric2, metric3 = st.columns(3)metric1.metric( label="Changes", value=df_summary['events1Min'].values[0], delta=float(df_summary['events1Min'].values[0] - df_summary['events1Min2Min'].values[0]))metric2.metric( label="Users", value=df_summary['users1Min'].values[0], delta=float(df_summary['users1Min'].values[0] - df_summary['users1Min2Min'].values[0]))metric3.metric( label="Domains", value=df_summary['domains1Min'].values[0], delta=float(df_summary['domains1Min'].values[0] - df_summary['domains1Min2Min'].values[0]))# Find all the changes by minute in the last hourquery ="""select ToDateTime(DATETRUNC('minute', ts), 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') AS dateMin, count(*) AS changes, distinctcount(user) AS users, distinctcount(domain) AS domainsfrom wikievents where ts > ago('PT10M')group by dateMinorder by dateMin descLIMIT 30"""curs.execute(query)df_ts = pd.DataFrame(curs, columns=[item[0] for item in curs.description])df_ts_melt = pd.melt(df_ts, id_vars=['dateMin'], value_vars=['changes', 'users', 'domains'])fig = px.line(df_ts_melt, x='dateMin', y="value", color='variable', color_discrete_sequence =['blue', 'red', 'green'])fig['layout'].update(margin=dict(l=0,r=0,b=0,t=40), title="Changes/Users/Domains per minute")fig.update_yaxes(range=[0, df_ts["changes"].max() *1.1])st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True)# Refresh the pageif auto_refresh: time.sleep(number) st.experimental_rerun()
In this guide we've learnt how to publish data into Kafka from Wikimedia's event stream, ingest it from there into Pinot, and finally make sense of the data using SQL queries run from Streamlit.