The Pinot Admin UI contains all the APIs that you will need to operate and manage your cluster. It provides a set of APIs for Pinot cluster management including health check, instances management, schema and table management, data segments management.
Note: The controller API's are primarily for admin tasks. Even though the UI console queries Pinot when running queries from the query console, use the Broker Query API for querying Pinot.
Let's check out the tables in this cluster by going to Table -> List all tables in cluster and click on Try it out!
. We can see the baseballStats
table listed here. We can also see the exact curl
call made to the controller API.
You can look at the configuration of this table by going to Tables -> Get/Enable/Disable/Drop a table, type in baseballStats
in the table name, and click Try it out!
Let's check out the schemas in the cluster by going to Schema -> List all schemas in the cluster and click Try it out!
. We can see a schema called baseballStats
in this list.
Take a look at the schema by going to Schema -> Get a schema, type baseballStats
in the schema name, and click Try it out!
Finally, let's checkout the data segments in the cluster by going to List all segments, type in baseballStats
in the table name, and click Try it out!
. There's 1 segment for this table, called baseballStats_OFFLINE_0
You might have figured out by now, in order to get data into the Pinot cluster, we need a table, a schema and segments. Let's head over to Batch upload sample data, to find out more about these components and learn how to create them for your own data.
The Pinot REST API can be accessed by invoking POST
operation with a JSON body containing the parameter sql
to the /query/sql
endpoint on a broker.
When TLS/SSL is not enabled:
When TLS/SSL is enabled:
If the SQL statement contains "
, in the JSON body, it needs to be replaced by '"'"'
, for example:
You can also query using the pinot-admin
scripts. Make sure you follow instructions in to get Pinot locally, and then
Response is returned in a SQL-like tabular structure. Note, this is the response returned from the standard-SQL endpoint. For PQL endpoint response, skip to PQL endpoint response
This contains everything needed to process the response
This describes schema of the response (columnNames and their dataTypes)
columnNames in the response.
DataTypes for each column
Actual content with values. This is an array of arrays. number of rows depends on the limit value in the query. The number of columns in each row is equal to the length of (resultTable.dataSchema.columnNames)
Total time taken as seen by the broker before sending the response back to the client
This is number of documents/records in the table
represents the number of servers queried by the broker (note that this may be less than the total number of servers since broker can apply some optimizations to minimize the number of servers)
This should be equal to the numServersQueried. If this is not the same, then one of more servers might have timed out. If numServersQueried != numServersResponded the results can be considered partial and clients can retry the query with exponential back off.
Total number of segmentsQueried for this query. it may be less than the total number of segments since broker can apply optimizations.
This is the number of segments processed with at least one document matched query response. In general numSegmentsQueried <= numSegmentsProcessed <= numSegmentsMatched.
Number of segment operators used to process segments. This is indicates the effectiveness of the pruning logic.
The number of docs/records that were selected after filter phase.
The number of entries scanned in the filtering phase of query execution.
It could be larger than the total scanned doc count because of multiple filtering predicate and/or multi-value entries.
It can also be smaller than the total scanned doc count if indexing is used for filtering.
This along with numEntriesScannedInPostFilter should give an idea on where most of the time is spent during query processing. If this is high, enabling indexing for columns in tableConfig can be one way to bring it down.
The number of entries scanned after the filtering phase of query execution, ie. aggregation and/or group-by phases. This is equivalent to numDocScanned * number of projected columns.
This along with numEntriesScannedInFilter should give an idea on where most of the time is spent during query processing.
A high number for this means the selectivity is low (i.e. pinot needs to scan a lot of records to answer the query). If this is high, adding regular inverted/bitmap index will not help. However, consider using star-tree index.
If the query has group by clause and top K, pinot drops new entries after the numGroupsLimit is reached. If this boolean is set to true then the query result may not be accurate. Note that the default value for numGroupsLimit is 100k and should be sufficient for most use cases.
Will contain the stack trace if there is any exception processing the query.
If trace is enabled (can be enabled for each query), this will contain the timing for each stage and each segment. Advanced feature and intended for dev/debugging purposes
Pinot Query Language (PQL) endpoint has been deprecated and removed. Use the sql endpoint.
All user APIs available in Pinot
The full up-to-date list of APIs can be viewed on Swagger.
List all the cluster configs. These are fetched from Zookeeper from the CONFIGS/CLUSTER/<clusterName> znode.
Post new configs to cluster. These will get stored in the same znode as above i.e. CONFIGS/CLUSTER/<clusterName>. These properties are appended to the existing properties if keys are new, else they will be updated if key already exists.
Delete a cluster config.
Gets cluster related info, such as cluster name
Check controller health. Status are OK or WebApplicationException with ServiceUnavailable and message
Gets the leader resource map, which shows the tables that are mapped to each leader.
Gets the leaders for the specific table
Debug information for the table, which includes metadata and error status about segments, ingestion, servers and brokers of the table