This guide provides a quick start for running Pinot on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
This document provides the basic instruction to set up a Kubernetes Cluster on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS)
Please follow this link ( to install kubectl.
For Mac User
Please check kubectl version after installation.
QuickStart scripts are tested under kubectl client version v1.16.3 and server version v1.13.12
Please follow this link ( to install helm.
For Mac User
Please check helm version after installation.
This QuickStart provides helm supports for helm v3.0.0 and v2.12.1. Please pick the script based on your helm version.
Please follow this link ( to install AWS CLI.
For Mac User
Please follow this link ( to install AWS CLI.
For Mac User
For first time AWS user, please register your account at
Once created the account, you can go to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to create a user and create access keys under Security Credential tab.
Environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
will override AWS configuration stored in file ~/.aws/credentials
Below script will create a 3 nodes cluster named pinot-quickstart in us-west-2 with t3.small machines for demo purposes.
Please modify the parameters in the example command below:
You can monitor cluster status by command:
Once the cluster is in ACTIVE status, it's ready to be used.
Simply run below command to get the credential for the cluster pinot-quickstart that you just created or your existing cluster.
To verify the connection, you can run:
Please follow this Kubernetes QuickStart to deploy your Pinot Demo.