This quick start guide will help you bootstrap a Pinot standalone instance on your local machine.
In this guide, you'll learn how to download and install Apache Pinot as a standalone instance.
First, let's download the Pinot distribution for this tutorial. You can either download a packaged release or build a distribution from the source code.
Install JDK11 or higher (JDK16 is not yet supported) For JDK 8 support use Pinot 0.7.1 or compile from the source code.
You can build from source or download the distribution:
Download the latest binary release from Apache Pinot, or use this command
Once you have the tar file:
You can find older versions of Apache Pinot at https://archive.apache.org/dist/pinot/. For example, if you wanted to download Pinot 0.10.0, you could run the following command:
Follow these steps to checkout code from Github and build Pinot locally
Install Apache Maven 3.6 or higher
Add maven option -Djdk.version=8
when building with JDK 8
Note that Pinot scripts is located under pinot-distribution/target not target directory under root.
Currently Apache Pinot doesn't provide official binaries for M1 Mac. You can however build from source using the steps provided above. In addition to the steps, you will need to add the following in your ~/.m2/settings.xml
prior to the build.
Also make sure to install rosetta
softwareupdate --install-rosetta
Note that some installations of the JDK do not contain the JNI bindings that are necessary to run all tests, if you see any java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
while running tests, you may need to change your JDK. If using Homebrew, you may install AdoptOpenJDK 11 using: brew install --cask adoptopenjdk11
Now that we've downloaded Pinot, it's time to set up a cluster. There are two ways to do this:
Pinot comes with quick-start commands that launch instances of Pinot components in the same process and import pre-built datasets.
For example, the following quick-start launches Pinot with a baseball dataset pre-loaded:
For a list of all the available quick starts, see the Quick Start Examples.
If you want to play with bigger datasets (more than a few MB), you can launch all the components individually.
The video below is a step-by-step walk through for launching the individual components of Pinot and scaling them to multiple instances.
You can find the commands that are shown in this video in the github.com/npawar/pinot-tutorial GitHub repository.
The examples below assume that you are using Java 8.
If you are using Java 11+ users, remove the GC settings insideJAVA_OPTS.
So, for example, instead of:
You'd have:
You can use Zooinspector to browse the Zookeeper instance.
Once your cluster is up and running, you can head over to Exploring Pinot to learn how to run queries against the data.
Starting a pinot component of interest in IntelliJ using debug mode can be useful for development purposes. You can set break points and inspect variables. Take debugging server for example, one can start zookeeper
, controller
, and broker
using the steps in Manual Cluster. Then use the following configuration put under $PROJECT_DIR$\.run
) to start server. This commit is an example of how it can be used. Please replace the metrics-core version and cluster name as needed.
This section contains quick start guides to help you get up and running with Pinot.
To simplify the getting started experience, Pinot ships with quick start guides that launch Pinot components in a single process and import pre-built datasets.
For a full list of these guides, see Quick Start Examples.
Getting data into Pinot is easy. Take a look at these two quick start guides which will help you get up and running with sample data for offline and real-time tables.
This starter provides a quick start for running Pinot on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
This document provides the basic instruction to set up a Kubernetes Cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine(GKE)
Please follow this link (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl) to install kubectl.
For Mac User
Please check kubectl version after installation.
QuickStart scripts are tested under kubectl client version v1.16.3 and server version v1.13.12
Please follow this link (https://helm.sh/docs/using_helm/#installing-helm) to install helm.
For Mac User
Please check helm version after installation.
This QuickStart provides helm supports for helm v3.0.0 and v2.12.1. Please pick the script based on your helm version.
Please follow this link (https://cloud.google.com/sdk/install) to install Google Cloud SDK.
Install Google Cloud SDK
Restart your shell
Below script will create a 3 nodes cluster named pinot-quickstart in us-west1-b with n1-standard-2 machines for demo purposes.
Please modify the parameters in the example command below:
You can monitor cluster status by command:
Once the cluster is in RUNNING status, it's ready to be used.
Simply run below command to get the credential for the cluster pinot-quickstart that you just created or your existing cluster.
To verify the connection, you can run:
Please follow this Kubernetes QuickStart to deploy your Pinot Demo.
This guide will show you to run a Pinot Cluster using Docker.
In this guide we will learn about running Pinot in Docker.
This guide assumes that you have installed and have configured it with enough memory. A sample config is shown below:
The latest Pinot Docker image is published at apachepinot/pinot:latest
and you can see a list of .
You can pull the Docker image onto your machine by running the following command:
Or if you want to use a specific version:
Now that we've downloaded the Pinot Docker image, it's time to set up a cluster. There are two ways to do this:
Pinot comes with quick-start commands that launch instances of Pinot components in the same process and import pre-built datasets.
For example, the following quick-start launches Pinot with a baseball dataset pre-loaded:
The quick start scripts launch Pinot with minimal resources. If you want to play with bigger datasets (more than a few MB), you can launch each of the Pinot components individually.
Create an isolated bridge network in docker
Start Pinot Controller in daemon and connect to Zookeeper.
The command below expects a 4GB memory container. Tune-Xms
if your machine doesn't have enough resources.
Start Pinot Broker in daemon and connect to Zookeeper.
The command below expects a 4GB memory container. Tune-Xms
if your machine doesn't have enough resources.
Start Pinot Server in daemon and connect to Zookeeper.
The command below expects a 16GB memory container. Tune-Xms
if your machine doesn't have enough resources.
Optionally, you can also start Kafka for setting up realtime streams. This brings up the Kafka broker on port 9092.
Now all Pinot related components are started as an empty cluster.
You can run the below command to check container status.
Sample Console Output
Create a file called docker-compose.yml that contains the following:
Run the following command to launch all the components:
You can run the below command to check the container status.
Sample Console Output
Note: These are sample configs to be used as references. For production setup, you may want to customize it to your needs.
For a list of all the available quick starts, see the .
Start Zookeeper in daemon mode. This is a single node zookeeper setup. Zookeeper is the central metadata store for Pinot and should be set up with replication for production use. For more information, see .
Once your cluster is up and running, you can head over to to learn how to run queries against the data.
If you have or installed, you could also try running the .