See the section on Ingesting Realtime Data before reading this section.
Pinot servers ingest rows into a consuming segment that resides in volatile memory. Therefore, pinot servers hosting consuming segments tend to be memory bound. They may also have long garbage collection cycles when the segment is completed and memory is released.
You can configure pinot servers to use off-heap memory for dictionary and forward indices of consuming segments by setting the value of pinot.server.instance.realtime.alloc.offheap
to true
. With this configuration in place, the server allocates off-heap memory by memory-mapping files. These files are never flushed to stable storage by Pinot (the Operating System may do so depending on demand for memory on the host). The files are discarded when the consuming segment is turned into a completed segment.
By default the files are created under the directory where the table’s segments are stored in local disk attached to the consuming server. You can set a specific directory for consuming segments with the configuration pinot.server.consumerDir
. Given that there is no control over flushing of pages from the memory mapped for consuming segments, you may want to set the directory to point to a memory-based file system, eliminating wasteful disk I/O.
If memory-mapping is not desirable, you can set
to true
. In this case, pinot allocates direct ByteBuffer objects for consuming segments. Using direct allocation can potentially result in address space fragmentation.
We still use heap memory to store inverted indices for consuming segments.
The number of rows in a consuming segment needs to be balanced. Having too many rows can result in memory pressure. On the other hand, having too few rows results in having too many small segments. Having too many segments can be detrimental to query performance, and also increase pressure on the Helix.
The recommended way to do this is to use the realtime.segment.flush.threshold.segment.size
setting as described in StreamConfigs Section. You can run the administrative tool RealtimeProvisioningHelper
that will help you to come up with an optimal setting for the segment size.
This feature is available only if the consumption type is LowLevel
The structure of the consuming segments and the completed segments are very different. The memory, CPU, I/O and GC characteristics could be very different while processing queries on these segments. Therefore it may be useful to move the completed segments onto different set of hosts in some use cases.
You can host completed segments on a different set of hosts using the tagOverrideConfig
as described in Table Config. Pinot will automatically move them once the consuming segments are completed.
If you require more fine-tuned control over how segments are hosted on different hosts, we recommend that you use the Tag-Based Instance Assignment feature to accomplish this.
This feature is available only if the consumption type is LowLevel
When a realtime segment completes, a winner server is chosen as a committer amongst all replicas by the controller. That committer builds the segment and uploads to the controller. The non-committer servers are asked to catchup to the winning offset. If the non-committer servers are able to catch up, they are asked to build the segment and replace the in-memory segment. If they are unable to catchup, they are asked to download the segment from the controller.
Building a segment can cause excessive garbage and may result in GC pauses on the server. Long GC pauses can affect query processing. In order to avoid this, we have a configuration that allows you to control whether
It might become desirable to force the non-committer servers to download the segment from the controller, instead of building it again. The completionConfig
as described in Table Config can be used to configure this.
This feature is available only if the consumption type is LowLevel
Once a committer is asked to commit the segment, it builds a segment, and issues an HTTP POST to the controller, with the segment. The controller than commits the segment in Zookeeper and starts the next consuming segment.
It is possible to conifigure the servers to do a split commit, in which the committer performs the following steps:
Build the segment
Start a transaction with the lead controller to commit the segment (CommitStart phase)
Post the completed segment to any of the controllers (and the controller posts it to segment store)
End the transaction with the lead controller (CommentEnd phase). Optionally, this step can be done with the segment metadata.
This method of committing can be useful if the network bandwidth on the lead controller is limiting segment uploads.In order to accomplish this, you will need to set the following configurations:
On the controller, set pinot.controller.enable.split.commit
to true
(default is false
On the server, set pinot.server.enable.split.commit
to true
(default is false
On the server, set pinot.server.enable.commitend.metadata
to true
(default is false).
This tool can help decide the optimum segment size and number of hosts for your table. You will need one sample Pinot segment from your table before you run this command. There are three ways to get a sample segment:
If you have an offline segment, you can use that.
You can provision a test version of your table with some minimum number of hosts that can consume the stream, let it create a few segments with large enough number of rows (say, 500k to 1M rows), and use one of those segments to run the command. You can drop the test version table, and re-provision it once the command outputs some parameters to set.
If you don't have a segment in hand or provisioning of a test version of your table is not an easy option, you can provide schema which is decorated with data characteristics. Then the tool generates a segment based on the provided characteristics behind the scene and proceeds with the realtime analysis. In case the characteristics of real data is very different, you may need to modify the parameters. You can always change the config after you get segments from real data.
As of Pinot version 0.5.0, this command has been improved to display the number of pages mapped, as well as take in the push frequency as an argument if the realtime table being provisioned is a part of a hybrid table. If you are using an older version of this command, please download a later version and re-run the command. The arguments to the command are as follows:
: This is the path to the table config file
: Number of partitions in your stream
: This is a list of the number of hosts for which you need to compute the actual parameters. For example, if you are planning to deploy between 4 and 8 hosts, you may specify 4,6,8. In this case, the parameters will be computed for each configuration -- that of 4 hosts, 6 hosts, and 8 hosts. You can then decide which of these configurations to use.
: This is a list of maximum number of hours you want your consuming segments to be in consuming state. After these many hours the segment will move to completed state, even if other criteria (like segment size or number of rows) are not met yet. This value must be smaller than the retention of your stream. If you specify too small a value, then you run the risk of creating too many segments, this resulting in sub-optimal query performance. If you specify this value to be too big, then you may run the risk of having too large segments, running out of "hot" memory (consuming segments are in read-write memory). Specify a few different (comma-separated) values, and the command computes the segment size for each of these.
: The path of the directory in which the sample segment is present. See above if you do not have a sample segment.
: This is optional. If this is a hybrid table, then enter the frequency with which offline segments are pushed (one of "hourly", "daily", "weekly" or "monthly"). This argument is ignored if retentionHours
is specified.
: This is the total memory available in each host for hosting retentionHours
worth of data (i.e. "hot" data) of this table. Remember to leave some for query processing (or other tables, if you have them in the same hosts). If your latency needs to be very low, this value should not exceed the physical memory available to store pinot segments of this table, on each host in your cluster. On the other hand, if you are trying to lower cost and can take higher latencies, consider specifying a bigger value here. Pinot will leave the rest to the Operating System to page memory back in as necessary.
: This argument should specify how many hours of data will typically be queried on your table. It is assumed that these are the most recent hours. If pushFrequency
is specified, then it is assumed that the older data will be served by the offline table, and the value is derived automatically. For example, if pushFrequency
is daily
, this value defaults to 72
. If hourly
, then 24
. If weekly
, then 8d
. If monthly
, then 32d
. If neither pushFrequency
nor retentionHours
is specified, then this value is assumed to be the retention time of the realtime table (e.g. if the table is retained for 6 months, then it is assumed that most queries will retrieve all six months of data). As an example, if you have a realtime only table with a 21 day retention, and expect that 90% of your queries will be for the most recent 3 days, you can specify a retentionHours
value of 72. This will help you configure a system that performs much better for most of your queries while taking a performance hit for those that occasionally query older data.
: Specify the average number of rows ingested per second per partition of your stream.
: This is needed if you do not have a sample segment from the topic to be ingested. This argument allows you to specify a schema file with additional information to describe the data characteristics (like number of unique values each column can have, etc.).
: This is an optional argument if you want the tool to generate a segment for you. If it is not give, then a default value of 10000
is used.
One you run the command, it produces an output as below:
The idea here is to choose an optimal segment size so that :
The number of segments searched for your queries are minimized
The segment size is neither too large not too small (where "large" and "small" are as per the range for your table).
Overall memory is optimized for your table, considering the other tables in the host, the query traffic, etc.
You can pick the appropriate value for segment size and number of hours in the table config, and set the number of rows to zero. Note that you don't have to pick values exactly as given in each of these combinations (they are calculated guesses anyway). Feel free to choose some values in between or out of range as you feel fit, and adjust them after your table is in production (no restarts required, things will slowly adjust themselves to the new configuration). The example given below chooses from the output.
Case 1: Optimize for performance, high QPS
From the above output you may decide that 6 hours is an optimal consumption time given the number of active segments looked at for a query, and you can afford about 4G of active memory per host. You can choose either 8 or 10 hosts, you choose 10. In this case, the optimal segment size will be 111.98M. You can then enter your realtime table config as below:
Case 2: Optimize for cost, low QPS
You may decide from the output that you want to make do with 6 hosts. You have only 2G of memory per host for active segments but you are willing to map 8G of active memory on that, with plenty of paging for each query. Since QPS is low, you may have plenty of CPU per query so huge segments may not be a problem. Choose 12 or 24h or consumption and pick an appropriate segment size. You may then configure something like:
This section provides information on various options to tune Pinot cluster for storage and query efficiency. Unlike Key-Value store, tuning Pinot sometimes can be tricky because the cost of query can vary depending on the workload and data characteristics.
If you want to improve query latency for your use case, you can refer to Index Techniques
section. If your use case faces the scalability issue after tuning index, you can refer Optimizing Scatter and Gather
for improving query throughput for Pinot cluster. If you have identified a performance issue on the specific component (broker or server), you can refer to the Tuning Broker
or Tuning Server
Pinot supports various different query scheduling mechanisms to allow for more control around which queries have priority when executing on the server instances.
Currently, there are the following options that can be configured using the
First Come First Serve (fcfs
) (Default)
Bounded First Come First Serve (bounded_fcfs
Token Bucket (tokenbucket
This is the default scheduling mechanism, which simply allows all queries to execute in a first come, first serve mechanism. For most deployments, this is likely sufficient, but high QPS deployments that have skewed query workloads may struggle under this scheduling mechanism.
Bounded query schedulers operate under a context of a single table, and additionally respect the following configurations:
(default 20%) will allow individual threads to take up to this percentage of the threads allocated to a table resource group
(default 30%) indicates that once this percentage of the available threads are taken up by this resource group, the scheduler should prefer other resource groups but still allow queries in this group
(default 45%) indicates that once this percentage of the available threads are taken up, the scheduler should not schedule any more queries for this resource group
Similarly to the "First Come First Serve" scheduling mechanism, this option will bound the resource utilization by ensuring that only a certain number of queries are running concurrently (set using the pinot.query.scheduler.query_runner_threads
This query scheduling mechansim will periodically grant tokens to each scheduler group, and will select the group to run with the highest number of tokens assigned to it. This can be configured using the two following configurations:
will indicate how many tokens to generate per second for each group. The default value for this is the number of threads avaialble to run queries (which will essentially attempt to schedule more queries than is possible to run)
indicates the lifetime of every allocated token
This scheduler applies a linear decay for groups that have recently been scheduled to avoid starvation and allow groups with light workloads to be scheduled.
When the use case has very high qps along with low latency requirements (usually site facing use cases), we need to consider optimizing the scatter-and-gather.
Below table summarizes the two issues with the default behavior of Pinot.
Querying all servers
Bad tail latency, not scalable
Control the number of servers to fan out
Querying all segments
More CPU work on server
Minimize the number of segment
By default, Pinot uniformly distributes all the segments to all servers of a table. When scatter-and-gathering query requests, broker also uniformly distributes the workload among servers for each segment. As a result, each query will span out to all servers with balanced workload. It works pretty well when qps is low and you have a small number of servers in the cluster. However, as we add more servers or have more qps, the probability of hitting slow servers (e.g. gc) increases steeply and Pinot will suffer from a long tail latency.
In order to address this issue, we have introduced a concept of Replica Group
, which allows us to control the number of servers to fan out for each query.
Replica Group
is a set of servers that contains a ‘complete’ set of segments of a table. Once we assign the segment based on replica group, each query can be answered by fanning out to a single replica group instead of all servers.
Replica Group
can be configured by setting the InstanceAssignmentConfig
in the table config. Replica group based routing can be configured by setting replicaGroup
as the instanceSelectorType
in the RoutingConfig
As seen above, you can use numReplicaGroups
to control the number of replica groups (replications), and use numInstancesPerReplicaGroup
to control the number of servers to span. For instance, let’s say that you have 12 servers in the cluster. Above configuration will generate 3 replica groups (numReplicaGroups=3
), and each replica group will contain 4 servers (numInstancesPerPartition=4
). In this example, each query will span to a single replica group (4 servers).
As you seen above, replica group gives you the control on the number of servers to span for each query. When you try to decide the proper number of numReplicaGroups
and numInstancesPerReplicaGroup
, you should consider the trade-off between throughput and latency. Given a fixed number of servers, increasing numReplicaGroups
factor while decreasing numInstancesPerReplicaGroup
will give you more throughput because each server requires to process less number of queries. However, each server will need to process more number of segments per query, thus increasing overall latency. Similarly, decreasing numReplicaGroups
while increasing numInstancesPerReplicaGroup
will make each server processing more number of queries but each server needs to process less number of segments per query. So, this number has to be decided based on the use case requirements.
By default, Pinot broker will distribute all segments for query processing and segment pruning is happening in Server. In other words, Server will look at the segment metadata such as min/max time value and discard the segment if it does not contain any data that the query is asking for. Server side pruning works pretty well when the qps is low; however, it becomes the bottleneck if qps is very high (hundreds to thousands queries per second) because unnecessary segments still need to be scheduled for processing and consume cpu resources.
Currently, we have two different mechanisms to prune segments on the broker side to minimize the number of segment for processing before scatter-and-gather.
When the data is partitioned on a dimension, each segment will contain all the rows with the same partition value for a partitioning dimension. In this case, a lot of segments can be pruned if a query requires to look at a single partition to compute the result. Below diagram gives the example of data partitioned on member id while the query includes an equality filter on member id.
can be enabled by setting the following configuration in the table config.
Pinot currently supports Modulo
, Murmur
, ByteArray
and HashCode
hash functions. After setting the above config, data needs to be partitioned with the same partition function and number of partitions before running Pinot segment build and push job for offline push. Realtime partitioning depends on the kafka for partitioning. When emitting an event to kafka, a user need to feed partitioning key and partition function for Kafka producer API.
When applied correctly, partition information should be available in the segment metadata.
Broker side pruning for partitioning can be configured by setting the segmentPrunerTypes
in the RoutingConfig
. Note that the current implementation for partitioning only works for EQUALITY and IN filter (e.g. memberId = xx
, memberId IN (x, y, z)
Adaptive Server Selection is a new routing capability for Pinot Brokers where incoming queries are routed to the best available server instead of following the default round robin approach while choosing servers. With this feature, Brokers will be sensitive to changes on the Servers like GC issues, slowness, network slowness, etc. The broker will thus adaptively route more queries to faster servers and lesser queries to slower servers
There are two main components:
Stats Collection
Routing using Adaptive Server Selection
Each broker maintains stats individually for all servers. These stats are collected at the broker during query processing when the query is routed to the servers and after the response is received from the servers. These stats are maintained in-memory. Some of the stats collected at broker per server are as follows:
Number of in-progress / in-flight queries
EWMA (Exponential Weighted Moving Average) for latencies seen by queries
EWMA (Exponential Weighted Moving Average) for number of ongoing queries at any time
When the broker receives a query, it will use the above stats to pick the best available server. This enables the broker to automatically reduces the number of queries it sends to slow servers and increase the number of queries it sends to faster servers. We currently support the following strategies:
NO_OP : Uses the default RoundRobin approach. In other words, this will give existing behavior where stats are not used by broker when picking the servers to route the query to.
NUM_INFLIGHT_REQ : Uses the number of in-flight requests stat to determine the best server
LATENCY : Uses the EWMA latency stat to determine the best server
HYBRID : Uses a combination of in-flight requests and latency to determine the best server
The above strategies works in tandem with the following available Routing mechanisms today:
Balanced Routing
ReplicaGroup Routing
So, a table can be configured to use Balanced or Replica group segment assignment + routing and can still leverage the adaptive server selection feature.
The configuration for enabling/disabling this feature and the knobs for performance tuning are present at the Broker instance level. The feature is currently turned off by default.
To enable Stats Collection, set = true
. Note that setting this property alone will only enable stats collection and not perform Adaptive Routing
To enable an Adaptive Routing Strategy, use one of the following configs. The HYBRID
strategy works well for most use cases. Unless you are an advanced user, we recommend using the HYBRID
The following configs are already set to default values that work well for most usecases. For advanced users, the following knobs are available to tune Adaptive Routing Strategies
Prefix all the below properties with
Alpha value for Exponential Moving Average. A higher value would provide more weightage to incoming values and lower weightage to older values
If the EWMA value has not been updated for a while, the duration after which the value should be decayed
Initial value for EWMA average
Number of threads reserved to process Adaptive Server Selection Stats.