This release fixes the major issue of CVE-2021-44228 and a major bug fixing of pinot admin exit code issue(#7798).
The release is based on the release 0.9.0 with the following cherry-picks:
This is a bug fixing release contains:
Upgrade log4j to 2.16.0 to fix CVE-2021-45046 (#7903)
Upgrade swagger-ui to 3.23.11 to fix CVE-2019-17495 (#7902)
Fix the bug that RealtimeToOfflineTask failed to progress with large time bucket gaps (#7814).
The release is based on the release 0.9.1 with the following cherry-picks:
This release introduced some excellent new features, including upsert, tiered storage, pinot-spark-connector, support of having clause, more validations on table config and schema, support of ordinals
This release introduced some excellent new features, including upsert, tiered storage, pinot-spark-connector, support of having clause, more validations on table config and schema, support of ordinals in GROUP BY and ORDER BY clause, array transform functions, adding push job type of segment metadata only mode, and some new APIs like updating instance tags, new health check endpoint. It also contains many key bug fixes. See details below.
The release was cut from the following commit: e5c9bec and the following cherry-picks:
Tiered storage (#5793)
Pre-generate aggregation functions in QueryContext (#5805)
Adding controller healthcheck endpoint: /health (#5846)
Add pinot-spark-connector (#5787)
Support multi-value non-dictionary group by (#5851)
Support type conversion for all scalar functions (#5849)
Add additional datetime functionality (#5438)
Support post-aggregation in ORDER-BY (#5856)
Support post-aggregation in SELECT (#5867)
Add RANGE FilterKind to support merging ranges for SQL (#5898)
Add HAVING support (#58895889)
Support for exact distinct count for non int data types (#5872)
Add max qps bucket count (#5922)
Add Range Indexing support for raw values (#5853)
Add IdSet and IdSetAggregationFunction (#5926)
[Deepstore by-pass]Add a Deepstore bypass integration test with minor bug fixes. (#5857)
Add Hadoop counters for detecting schema mismatch (#5873)
Add RawThetaSketchAggregationFunction (#5970)
Instance API to directly updateTags (#5902)
Add streaming query handler (#5717)
Add InIdSetTransformFunction (#5973)
Add ingestion descriptor in the header (#5995)
Zookeeper put api (#5949)
Feature/#5390 segment indexing reload status api (#5718)
Segment processing framework (#5934)
Support streaming query in QueryExecutor (#6027)
Add list of allowed tables for emitting table level metrics (#6037)
Add FilterOptimizer which supports optimizing both PQL and SQL query filter (#6056)
Adding push job type of segment metadata only mode (#5967)
Adding array transform functions: array_average, array_max, array_min, array_sum (#6084)
Allow modifying/removing existing star-trees during segment reload (#6100)
Implement off-heap bloom filter reader (#6118)
Support for multi-threaded Group By reducer for SQL. (#6044)
Add OnHeapGuavaBloomFilterReader (#6147)
Support using ordinals in GROUP BY and ORDER BY clause (#6152)
Merge common APIs for Dictionary (#6176)
Add table level lock for segment upload ([#6165])
Added recursive functions validation check for group by (#6186)
Add StrictReplicaGroupInstanceSelector (#6208)
Add IN_SUBQUERY support (#6022)
Pinot Components have to be deployed in the following order:
(PinotServiceManager -> Bootstrap services in role ServiceRole.CONTROLLER -> All remaining bootstrap services in parallel)
This aggregation function is still in beta version. This PR involves change on the format of data sent from server to broker, so it works only when both broker and server are upgraded to the new version:
Enhance DistinctCountThetaSketchAggregationFunction (#6004)
Improve performance of DistinctCountThetaSketch by eliminating empty sketches and unions. (#5798)
Enhance VarByteChunkSVForwardIndexReader to directly read from data buffer for uncompressed data (#5816)
Fixing backward-compatible issue of schema fetch call (#5885)
Fix race condition in MetricsHelper (#5887)
Fixing the race condition that segment finished before ControllerLeaderLocator created. (#5864)
Fix CSV and JSON converter on BYTES column (#5931)
Fixing the issue that transform UDFs are parsed as function name 'OTHER', not the real function names (#5940)
Incorporating embedded exception while trying to fetch stream offset (#5956)
Use query timeout for planning phase (#5990)
Add null check while fetching the schema (#5994)
Validate timeColumnName when adding/updating schema/tableConfig (#5966)
Handle the partitioning mismatch between table config and stream (#6031)
Fix built-in virtual columns for immutable segment (#6042)
Refresh the routing when realtime segment is committed (#6078)
Add support for Decimal with Precision Sum aggregation (#6053)
Fixing the calls to Helix to throw exception if zk connection is broken (#6069)
Allow modifying/removing existing star-trees during segment reload (#6100)
Add max length support in schema builder (#6112)
Enhance star-tree to skip matching-all predicate on non-star-tree dimension (#6109)
This is a bug fixing release contains:
Update Log4j to 2.17.0 to address CVE-2021-45105 (#7933)
The release is based on the release 0.9.2 with the following cherry-picks:
The following summarizes Pinot's releases, from the latest one to the earliest one.
Before upgrading from one version to another one, please read the release notes. While the Pinot committers strive to keep releases backward-compatible and introduce new features in a compatible manner, your environment may have a unique combination of configurations/data/schema that may have been somehow overlooked. Before you roll out a new release of Pinot on your cluster, it is best that you run the compatibility test suite that Pinot provides. The tests can be easily customized to suit the configurations and tables in your pinot cluster(s). As a good practice, you should build your own test suite, mirroring the table configurations, schema, sample data, and queries that are used in your cluster.
0.3.0 release of Apache Pinot introduces the concept of plugins that makes it easy to extend and integrate with other systems.
The reason behind the architectural change from the previous release (0.2.0) and this release (0.3.0), is the possibility of extending Apache Pinot. The 0.2.0 release was not flexible enough to support new storage types nor new stream types. Basically, inserting a new functionality required to change too much code. Thus, the Pinot team went through an extensive refactoring and improvement of the source code.
For instance, the picture below shows the module dependencies of the 0.2.X or previous releases. If we wanted to support a new storage type, we would have had to change several modules. Pretty bad, huh?
In order to conquer this challenge, below major changes are made:
Refactored common interfaces to pinot-spi
Concluded four types of modules:
Pinot input format: How to read records from various data/file formats: e.g. Avro
Pinot filesystem: How to operate files on various filesystems: e.g. Azure Data Lake
/Google Cloud Storage
Pinot stream ingestion: How to ingest data stream from various upstream systems, e.g. Kafka
Pinot batch ingestion: How to run Pinot batch ingestion jobs in various frameworks, like Standalone
, Hadoop
, Spark
Built shaded jars for each individual plugin
Added support to dynamically load pinot plugins at server startup time
Now the architecture supports a plug-and-play fashion, where new tools can be supported with little and simple extensions, without affecting big chunks of code. Integrations with new streaming services and data formats can be developed in a much more simple and convenient way.
SQL Support
Added Calcite SQL compiler
JDK 11
Deprecated pinot-hadoop
and pinot-spark
modules, replace with pinot-batch-ingestion-hadoop
and pinot-batch-ingestion-spark
Enhanced TableRebalancer logics
APIs Additions/Changes
Pinot Admin Command
Pinot Controller Rest APIs
GET /cluster/configs
POST /cluster/configs
DELETE /cluster/configs/{configName}
Configurations Additions/Changes
Config: controller.host
is now optional in Pinot Controller
We are in the process of supporting text search query functionalities.
It’s a disruptive upgrade from version 0.1.0 to this because of the protocol changes between Pinot Broker and Pinot Server. Please ensure that you upgrade to release 0.2.0 first, then upgrade to this version.
If you build your own startable or war without using scripts generated in Pinot-distribution module. For Java 8, an environment variable “plugins.dir” is required for Pinot to find out where to load all the Pinot plugin jars. For Java 11, plugins directory is required to be explicitly set into classpath. Please see pinot-admin.sh
as an example.
As always, we recommend that you upgrade controllers first, and then brokers and lastly the servers in order to have zero downtime in production clusters.
Kafka 0.9 is no longer included in the release distribution.
Removed segment toggle APIs
Removed list all segments in cluster APIs
Deprecated below APIs:
GET /tables/{tableName}/segments
GET /tables/{tableName}/segments/metadata
GET /tables/{tableName}/segments/crc
GET /tables/{tableName}/segments/{segmentName}
GET /tables/{tableName}/segments/{segmentName}/metadata
GET /tables/{tableName}/segments/{segmentName}/reload
POST /tables/{tableName}/segments/{segmentName}/reload
GET /tables/{tableName}/segments/reload
POST /tables/{tableName}/segments/reload
: List all task queues
-> /tasks/{taskType}/state
-> /tasks/{taskType}/tasks
-> /tasks/{taskType}/taskstates
-> /tasks/task/{taskName}/taskstate
-> /tasks/task/{taskName}/taskconfig
-> /tasks/{taskType}/cleanup
: Toggle a task queue
-> /tasks/{taskType}
Deprecated modules pinot-hadoop
and pinot-spark
and replaced with pinot-batch-ingestion-hadoop
and pinot-batch-ingestion-spark
Introduced new Pinot batch ingestion jobs and yaml based job specs to define segment generation jobs and segment push jobs.
You may see exceptions like below in pinot-brokers during cluster upgrade, but it's safe to ignore them.
This release introduces some new great features, performance enhancements, UI improvements, and bug fixes which are described in details in the following sections. The release was cut from this commit .
The dependency graph for plug-and-play architecture that was introduced in release has been extended and now it contains new nodes for Pinot Segment SPI.
Added SQL response format (, )
Added support for GROUP BY with ORDER BY ()
Query console defaults to use SQL syntax ()
Support column alias (, )
Added SQL query endpoint: /query/sql
Support arithmetic operators ()
Support non-literal expressions for right-side operand in predicate comparison()
Added support for DISTINCT
Added support default value for BYTES
column ()
Added support to tune size vs accuracy for approximation aggregation functions: DistinctCountHLL
, PercentileEst
, PercentileTDigest
Added Data Anonymizer Tool ()
Support STRING
for no dictionary columns in realtime consuming segments ()
Make pinot-distribution
to build a pinot-all jar and assemble it ()
Added support for PQL case insensitive ()
Moved to new rebalance strategy ()
Supported rebalancing tables under any condition()
Supported reassigning completed segments along with Consuming segments for LLC realtime table ()
Added experimental support for Text Search ()
Upgraded Helix to version 0.9.4, task management now works as expected ()
Added date_trunc
transformation function. ()
Support schema evolution for consuming segment. ()
Added -queryType
option in PinotAdmin PostQuery
subcommand ()
Added -schemaFile
as option in AddTable
command ()
Added OperateClusterConfig
sub command in PinotAdmin ()
Get Table leader controller resource ()
to upload JSON encoded schema ()
Table rebalance API now requires both table name and type as parameters. ()
Refactored Segments APIs ()
Added segment batch deletion REST API ()
Update schema API to reload table on schema change when applicable ()
Enhance the task related REST APIs ()
Added PinotClusterConfig REST APIs ()
Added instance config: queriesDisabled
to disable query sending to a running server ()
Added broker config: pinot.broker.enable.query.limit.override
configurable max query response size ()
Removed deprecated server configs ()
Decouple server instance id with hostname/port config. ()
Add FieldConfig to encapsulate encoding, indexing info for a field.()
Fixed the bug of releasing the segment when there are still threads working on it. ()
Fixed the bug of uneven task distribution for threads ()
Fixed encryption for .tar.gz
segment file upload ()
Fixed controller rest API to download segment from non local FS. ()
Fixed the bug of not releasing segment lock if segment recovery throws exception ()
Fixed the issue of server not registering state model factory before connecting the Helix manager ()
Fixed the exception in server instance when Helix starts a new ZK session ()
Fixed ThreadLocal DocIdSet issue in ExpressionFilterOperator ()
Fixed the bug in default value provider classes ()
Fixed the bug when no segment exists in RealtimeSegmentSelector ()
We are in the process of supporting null value (), currently limited query feature is supported
Added Presence Vector to represent null value ()
Added null predicate support for leaf predicates ()
Pull request introduces a backward incompatible API change for segments management.
Pull request deprecated below task related APIs:
Implement NOT Operator
Add DistinctCountSmartHLLAggregationFunction which automatically store distinct values in Set or HyperLogLog based on cardinality
Add LEAST and GREATEST functions
Handle SELECT * with extra columns
Add FILTER clauses for aggregates
Add ST_Within function
Handle semicolon in query
Show Reported Size and Estimated Size in human readable format in UI
Make query console state URL based
Improve query console to not show query result when multiple columns have the same name
Improve Pinot dashboard tenant view to show correct amount of servers and brokers
Fix issue with opening new tabs from Pinot Dashboard
Fix issue with Query console going blank on syntax error
Make query stats always show even there's error
Implement OIDC auth workflow in UI
Add tooltip and modal for table status
Add option to wrap lines in custom code mirror
Add ability to comment out queries with cmd + /
Return exception when unavailable segments on empty broker response
Properly handle the case where segments are missing in externalview
Add TIMESTAMP to datetime column Type
Reuse regex matcher in dictionary based LIKE queries
Early terminate orderby when columns already sorted
Do not do another pass of Query Automaton Minimization
Improve RangeBitmap by upgrading RoaringBitmap
Optimize geometry serializer usage when literal is available
Improve performance of no-dictionary group by
Allocation free DataBlockCache
Prune unselected THEN statements in CaseTransformFunction
Aggregation delay conversion to double
Reduce object allocation rate in ExpressionContext or FunctionContext
Lock free DimensionDataTableManager
Improve json path performance during ingestion by upgrading JsonPath
Reduce allocations and speed up StringUtil.sanitizeString
Faster metric scans - ForwardIndexReader
Unpeel group by 3 ways to enable vectorization
Power of 2 fixed size chunks
Don't use mmap for compression except for huge chunks
Exit group-by marking loop early
Improve performance of base chunk forward index write
Cache JsonPaths to prevent compilation per segment
Use LZ4
as default compression mode
Peel off special case for 1 dimensional groupby
Bump roaringbitmap version to improve range queries performance
Adding NoopPinotMetricFactory and corresponding changes
Allow to specify fixed segment name for SegmentProcessorFramework
Move all prestodb dependencies into a separated module
Include docIds in Projection and Transform block
Automatically update broker resource on broker changes
Update ScalarFunction annotation from name to names to support function alias.
Implemented BoundedColumnValue partition function
Add copy recursive API to pinotFS
Add Support for Getting Live Brokers for a Table (without type suffix)
Pinot docker image - cache prometheus rules
In BrokerRequestToQueryContextConverter, remove unused filterExpressionContext
Adding retention period to segment delete REST API
Pinot docker image - upgrade prometheus and scope rulesets to components
Allow segment name postfix for SegmentProcessorFramework
Superset docker image - update pinotdb version in superset image
Add retention period to deleted segment files and allow table level overrides
Remove incubator from pinot and superset
Adding table config overrides for disabling groovy
Optimise sorted docId iteration order in mutable segments
Adding secure grpc query server support
Move Tls configs and utils from pinot-core to pinot-common
Reduce allocation rate in LookupTransformFunction
Allow subclass to customize what happens pre/post segment uploading
Enable controller service auto-discovery in Jersey framework
Add support for pushFileNamePattern in pushJobSpec
Add additionalMatchLabels to helm chart
Simulate rsvps after meetup.com retired the feed
Adding more checkstyle rules
Add persistence.extraVolumeMounts and persistence.extraVolumes to Kubernetes statefulsets
Adding scala profile for kafka 2.x build and remove root pom scala dependencies
Allow realtime data providers to accept non-kafka producers
Enhance revertReplaceSegments api
Adding broker level config for disabling Pinot queries with Groovy
Make presto driver query pinot server with SQL
Adding controller config for disabling Groovy in ingestionConfig
Adding main method for LaunchDataIngestionJobCommand for spark-submit command
Add auth token for segment replace rest APIs
Add allowRefresh option to UploadSegment
Add Ingress to Broker and Controller helm charts
Improve progress reporter in SegmentCreationMapper
St_* function error messages + support literal transform functions
Add schema and segment crc to SegmentDirectoryContext
Extend enableParallePushProtection support in UploadSegment API
Support BOOLEAN type in Config Recommendation Engine
Add a broker metric to distinguish exception happens when acquire channel lock or when send request to server
Add pinot.minion prefix on minion configs for consistency
Enable broker service auto-discovery in Jersey framework
Timeout if waiting server channel lock takes a long time
Wire EmptySegmentPruner to routing config
Support for TIMESTAMP data type in Config Recommendation Engine
Listener TLS customization
Add consumption rate limiter for LLConsumer
Implement Real Time Mutable FST
Allow quickstart to get table files from filesystem
Add support for instant segment deletion
Add a config file to override quickstart configs
Add pinot server grpc metadata acl
Move compatibility verifier to a separate module
Move hadoop and spark ingestion libs from plugins directory to external-plugins
Add global strategy for partial upsert
Upgrade kafka to 2.8.1
Created EmptyQuickstart command
Allow SegmentPushUtil to push realtime segment
Add ignoreMerger for partial upsert
Make task timeout and concurrency configurable
Return 503 response from health check on shut down
Pinot-druid-benchmark: set the multiValueDelimiterEnabled to false when importing TPC-H data
Cleanup: Remove remaining occurrences of incubator
Refactor segment loading logic in BaseTableDataManager to decouple it with local segment directory
Improving segment replacement/revert protocol
PinotConfigProvider interface
Enhance listSegments API to exclude the provided segments from the output
Remove outdated broker metric definitions
Add skip key for realtimeToOffline job validation
Upgrade async-http-client
Allow Reloading Segments with Multiple Threads
Ignore query options in commented out queries
Remove TableConfigCache which does not listen on ZK changes
Switch to zookeeper of helm 3.0x
Use a single react hook for table status modal
Add debug logging for realtime ingestion
Separate the exception for transform and indexing for consuming records
Disable JsonStatementOptimizer
Make index readers/loaders pluggable
Make index creator provision pluggable
Support loading plugins from multiple directories
Update helm charts to honour readinessEnabled probes flags on the Controller, Broker, Server and Minion StatefulSets
Support non-selection-only GRPC server request handler
GRPC broker request handler
Add validator for SDF
Support large payload in zk put API
Push JSON Path evaluation down to storage layer
When upserting new record, index the record before updating the upsert metadata
Add Post-Aggregation Gapfilling functionality.
Clean up deprecated fields from segment metadata
Remove deprecated method from StreamMetadataProvider
Obtain replication factor from tenant configuration in case of dimension table
Use valid bucket end time instead of segment end time for merge/rollup delay metrics
Make pinot start components command extensible
Make upsert inner segment update atomic
Clean up deprecated ZK metadata keys and methods
Add extraEnv, envFrom to statefulset help template
Make openjdk image name configurable
Add getPredicate() to PredicateEvaluator interface
Make split commit the default commit protocol
Pass Pinot connection properties from JDBC driver
Add Pinot client connection config to allow skip fail on broker response exception
Change default range index version to v2
Put thread timer measuring inside of wall clock timer measuring
Add getRevertReplaceSegmentRequest method in FileUploadDownloadClient
Add JAVA_OPTS env var in docker image
Split thread cpu time into three metrics
Add config for enabling realtime offset based consumption status checker
Add timeColumn, timeUnit and totalDocs to the json segment metadata
Set default Dockerfile CMD to -help
Add getName() to PartitionFunction interface
Support Native FST As An Index Subtype for FST Indices
Add forceCleanup option for 'startReplaceSegments' API
Add config for keystore types, switch tls to native implementation, and add authorization for server-broker tls channel
Extend FileUploadDownloadClient to send post request with json body
Fix string comparisons
Bugfix for order-by all sorted optimization
Fix dockerfile
Ensure partition function never return negative partition
Handle indexing failures without corrupting inverted indexes
Fixed broken HashCode partitioning
Fix segment replace test
Fix filtered aggregation when it is mixed with regular aggregation
Fix FST Like query benchmark to remove SQL parsing from the measurement
Do not identify function types by throwing exceptions
Fix regression bug caused by sharing TSerializer across multiple threads
Fix validation before creating a table
Check cron schedules from table configs after subscribing child changes
Disallow duplicate segment name in tar file
Fix storage quota checker NPE for Dimension Tables
Fix TraceContext NPE issue
Update gcloud libraries to fix underlying issue with api's with CMEK
Fix error handling in jsonPathArray
Fix error handling in json functions with default values
Fix controller config validation failure for customized TLS listeners
Validate the numbers of input and output files in HadoopSegmentCreationJob
Broker Side validation for the query with aggregation and col but without group by
Improve the proactive segment clean-up for REVERTED
Allow JSON forward indexes
Fix the PinotLLCRealtimeSegmentManager on segment name check
Always use smallest offset for new partitionGroups
Fix RealtimeToOfflineSegmentsTaskExecutor to handle time gap
Refine segment consistency checks during segment load
Fixes for various JDBC issues
Delete tmp- segment directories on server startup
Fix ByteArray datatype column metadata getMaxValue NPE bug and expose maxNumMultiValues
Fix the issues that Pinot upsert table's uploaded segments get deleted when a server restarts.
Fixed segment upload error return
Fix QuerySchedulerFactory to plug in custom scheduler
Fix the issue with grpc broker request handler not started correctly
Fix realtime ingestion when an entire batch of messages is filtered out
Move decode method before calling acquireSegment to avoid reference count leak
Fix semaphore issue in consuming segments
Add bootstrap mode for PinotServiceManager to avoid glitch for health check
Fix the broker routing when segment is deleted
Fix obfuscator not capturing secretkey and keytab
Fix segment merge delay metric when there is empty bucket
Fix QuickStart by adding types for invalid/missing type
Use oldest offset on newly detected partitions
Fix javadoc to compatible with jdk8 source
Handle null segment lineage ZNRecord for getSelectedSegments API
Handle fields missing in the source in ParquetNativeRecordReader
Fix the issue with HashCode partitioning function
Fix the issue with validation on table creation
Change PinotFS API's
This release includes many new features on Pinot ingestion and connectors, query capability and a revamped controller UI.
This release includes many new features on Pinot ingestion and connectors (e.g., support for filtering during ingestion which is configurable in table config; support for json during ingestion; proto buf input format support and a new Pinot JDBC client), query capability (e.g., a new GROOVY transform function UDF) and admin functions (a revamped Cluster Manager UI & Query Console UI). It also contains many key bug fixes. See details below.
The release was cut from the following commit: d1b4586 and the following cherry-picks:
Allowing update on an existing instance config: PUT /instances/{instanceName} with Instance object as the pay-load (#PR4952)
Add PinotServiceManager to start Pinot components (#PR5266)
Support for protocol buffers input format. (#PR5293)
Add GenericTransformFunction wrapper for simple ScalarFunctions (PR#5440) — Adding support to invoke any scalar function via GenericTransformFunction
Add Support for SQL CASE Statement (PR#5461)
Support distinctCountRawThetaSketch aggregation that returns serialized sketch. (PR#5465)
Add multi-value support to SegmentDumpTool (PR#5487) — add segment dump tool as part of the pinot-tool.sh script
Add json_format function to convert json object to string during ingestion. (PR#5492) — Can be used to store complex objects as a json string (which can later be queries using jsonExtractScalar)
Support escaping single quote for SQL literal (PR#5501) — This is especially useful for DistinctCountThetaSketch because it stores expression as literal E.g. DistinctCountThetaSketch(..., 'foo=''bar''', ...)
Support expression as the left-hand side for BETWEEN and IN clause (PR#5502)
Add a new field IngestionConfig in TableConfig — FilterConfig: ingestion level filtering of records, based on filter function. (PR#5597) — TransformConfig: ingestion level column transformations. This was previously introduced in Schema (FieldSpec#transformFunction), and has now been moved to TableConfig. It continues to remain under schema, but we recommend users to set it in the TableConfig starting this release (PR#5681).
Allow star-tree creation during segment load (#PR5641) — Introduced a new boolean config enableDynamicStarTreeCreation in IndexingConfig to enable/disable star-tree creation during segment load.
Support for Pinot clients using JDBC connection (#PR5602)
Support customized accuracy for distinctCountHLL, distinctCountHLLMV functions by adding log2m value as the second parameter in the function. (#PR5564) —Adding cluster config: default.hyperloglog.log2m to allow user set default log2m value.
Add segment encryption on Controller based on table config (PR#5617)
Add a constraint to the message queue for all instances in Helix, with a large default value of 100000. (PR#5631)
Support order-by aggregations not present in SELECT (PR#5637) — Example: "select subject from transcript group by subject order by count() desc" This is equivalent to the following query but the return response should not contain count(). "select subject, count() from transcript group by subject order by count() desc"
Add geo support for Pinot queries (PR#5654) — Added geo-spatial data model and geospatial functions
Add Controller API to explore Zookeeper (PR#5687)
Support for ingestion job spec in JSON format (#PR5729)
Improvements to RealtimeProvisioningHelper command (#PR5737) — Improved docs related to ingestion and plugins
Added GROOVY transform function UDF (#PR5748) — Ability to run a groovy script in the query as a UDF. e.g. string concatenation: SELECT GROOVY('{"returnType": "INT", "isSingleValue": true}', 'arg0 + " " + arg1', columnA, columnB) FROM myTable
TransformConfig: ingestion level column transformations. This was previously introduced in Schema (FieldSpec#transformFunction), and has now been moved to TableConfig. It continues to remain under schema, but we recommend users to set it in the TableConfig starting this release (PR#5681).
Config key enable.case.insensitive.pql in Helix cluster config is deprecated, and replaced with enable.case.insensitive. (#PR5546)
Change default segment load mode to MMAP. (PR#5539) —The load mode for segments currently defaults to heap
Fix bug in distinctCountRawHLL on SQL path (#5494)
Fix backward incompatibility for existing stream implementations (#5549)
Fix backward incompatibility in StreamFactoryConsumerProvider (#5557)
Fix logic in isLiteralOnlyExpression. (#5611)
Fix double memory allocation during operator setup (#5619)
Allow segment download url in Zookeeper to be deep store uri instead of hardcoded controller uri (#5639)
Fix a backward compatible issue of converting BrokerRequest to QueryContext when querying from Presto segment splits (#5676)
Fix the issue that PinotSegmentToAvroConverter does not handle BYTES data type. (#5789)
PQL queries with HAVING clause will no longer be accepted for the following reasons: (#PR5570) — HAVING clause does not apply to PQL GROUP-BY semantic where each aggregation column is ordered individually — The current behavior can produce inaccurate results without any notice — HAVING support will be added for SQL queries in the next release
Because of the standardization of the DistinctCountThetaSketch predicate strings, please upgrade Broker before Server. The new Broker can handle both standard and non-standard predicate strings for backward-compatibility. (#PR5613)
This release introduces a new features: Segment Merge and Rollup to simplify users day to day operational work. A new metrics plugin is added to support dropwizard. As usual, new functionalities and many UI/ Performance improvements.
The release was cut from the following commit: 13c9ee9 and the following cherry-picks: 668b5e0, ee887b9
LinkedIn operates a large multi-tenant cluster that serves a business metrics dashboard, and noticed that their tables consisted of millions of small segments. This was leading to slow operations in Helix/Zookeeper, long running queries due to having too many tasks to process, as well as using more space because of a lack of compression.
To solve this problem they added the Segment Merge task, which compresses segments based on timestamps and rolls up/aggregates older data. The task can be run on a schedule or triggered manually via the Pinot REST API.
At the moment this feature is only available for offline tables, but will be added for real-time tables in a future release.
Major Changes:
Integrate enhanced SegmentProcessorFramework into MergeRollupTaskExecutor (#7180)
Merge/Rollup task scheduler for offline tables. (#7178)
Fix MergeRollupTask uploading segments not updating their metadata (#7289)
MergeRollupTask integration tests (#7283)
Add mergeRollupTask delay metrics (#7368)
MergeRollupTaskGenerator enhancement: enable parallel buckets scheduling (#7481)
Use maxEndTimeMs for merge/roll-up delay metrics. (#7617)
This release also sees improvements to Pinot’s query console UI.
Cmd+Enter shortcut to run query in query console (#7359)
Showing tooltip in SQL Editor (#7387)
Make the SQL Editor box expandable (#7381)
Fix tables ordering by number of segments (#7564)
There have also been improvements and additions to Pinot’s SQL implementation.
IN (#7542)
ID_SET on MV columns (#7355)
Raw results for Percentile TDigest and Est (#7226),
Add timezone as argument in function toDateTime (#7552)
Infer data type for Literal (#7332)
Support logical identifier in predicate (#7347)
Support JSON queries with top-level array path expression. (#7511)
Support configurable group by trim size to improve results accuracy (#7241)
This release contains many performance improvement, you may sense it for you day to day queries. Thanks to all the great contributions listed below:
Reduce the disk usage for segment conversion task (#7193)
Simplify association between Java Class and PinotDataType for faster mapping (#7402)
Avoid creating stateless ParseContextImpl once per jsonpath evaluation, avoid varargs allocation (#7412)
Replace MINUS with STRCMP (#7394)
Bit-sliced range index for int, long, float, double, dictionarized SV columns (#7454)
Use MethodHandle to access vectorized unsigned comparison on JDK9+ (#7487)
Add option to limit thread usage per query (#7492)
Improved range queries (#7513)
Faster bitmap scans (#7530)
Optimize EmptySegmentPruner to skip pruning when there is no empty segments (#7531)
Map bitmaps through a bounded window to avoid excessive disk pressure (#7535)
Allow RLE compression of bitmaps for smaller file sizes (#7582)
Support raw index properties for columns with JSON and RANGE indexes (#7615)
chunk compression type (#7655)
Enhance ColumnValueSegmentPruner and support bloom filter prefetch (#7654)
Apply the optimization on dictIds within the segment to DistinctCountHLL aggregation func (#7630)
During segment pruning, release the bloom filter after each segment is processed (#7668)
Fix JSONPath cache inefficient issue (#7409)
Optimize getUnpaddedString with SWAR padding search (#7708)
Lighter weight LiteralTransformFunction, avoid excessive array fills (#7707)
Inline binary comparison ops to prevent function call overhead (#7709)
Memoize literals in query context in order to deduplicate them (#7720)
Human Readable Controller Configs (#7173)
Add the support of geoToH3 function (#7182)
Add dropwizard metrics plugin (#7263)
Introduce OR Predicate Execution On Star Tree Index (#7184)
Allow to extract values from array of objects with jsonPathArray (#7208)
Add Realtime table metadata and indexes API. (#7169)
Support array with mixing data types (#7234)
Support force download segment in reload API (#7249)
Show uncompressed znRecord from zk api (#7304)
Add debug endpoint to get minion task status. (#7300)
Validate CSV Header For Configured Delimiter (#7237)
Add auth tokens and user/password support to ingestion job command (#7233)
Add option to store the hash of the upsert primary key (#7246)
Add null support for time column (#7269)
Add mode aggregation function (#7318)
Support disable swagger in Pinot servers (#7341)
Delete metadata properly on table deletion (#7329)
Add basic Obfuscator Support (#7407)
Mask credentials in debug endpoint /appconfigs (#7452)
Fix /sql query endpoint now compatible with auth (#7230)
Fix case sensitive issue in BasicAuthPrincipal permission check (#7354)
Fix auth token injection in SegmentGenerationAndPushTaskExecutor (#7464)
Add segmentNameGeneratorType config to IndexingConfig (#7346)
Support trigger PeriodicTask manually (#7174)
Add endpoint to check minion task status for a single task. (#7353)
Showing partial status of segment and counting CONSUMING state as good segment status (#7327)
Add "num rows in segments" and "num segments queried per host" to the output of Realtime Provisioning Rule (#7282)
Check schema backward-compatibility when updating schema through addSchema with override (#7374)
Optimize IndexedTable (#7373)
Support indices remove in V3 segment format (#7301)
Optimize TableResizer (#7392)
Introduce resultSize in IndexedTable (#7420)
Offset based realtime consumption status checker (#7267)
Add causes to stack trace return (#7460)
Create controller resource packages config key (#7488)
Enhance TableCache to support schema name different from table name (#7525)
Add validation for realtimeToOffline task (#7523)
Unify CombineOperator multi-threading logic (#7450)
Support no downtime rebalance for table with 1 replica in TableRebalancer (#7532)
Introduce MinionConf, move END_REPLACE_SEGMENTS_TIMEOUT_MS to minion config instead of task config. (#7516)
Adjust tuner api (#7553)
Adding config for metrics library (#7551)
Add geo type conversion scalar functions (#7573)
Add MV raw forward index and MV BYTES
data type (#7595)
Enhance TableRebalancer to offload the segments from most loaded instances first (#7574)
Improve get tenant API to differentiate offline and realtime tenants (#7548)
Refactor query rewriter to interfaces and implementations to allow customization (#7576)
In ServiceStartable, apply global cluster config in ZK to instance config (#7593)
Make dimension tables creation bypass tenant validation (#7559)
Allow Metadata and Dictionary Based Plans for No Op Filters (#7563)
Reject query with identifiers not in schema (#7590)
Round Robin IP addresses when retry uploading/downloading segments (#7585)
Support multi-value derived column in offline table reload (#7632)
Support segmentNamePostfix in segment name (#7646)
Add select segments API (#7651)
Controller getTableInstance() call now returns the list of live brokers of a table. (#7556)
Allow MV Field Support For Raw Columns in Text Indices (#7638)
Allow override distinctCount to segmentPartitionedDistinctCount (#7664)
Add a quick start with both UPSERT and JSON index (#7669)
Add revertSegmentReplacement API (#7662)
Smooth segment reloading with non blocking semantic (#7675)
Clear the reused record in PartitionUpsertMetadataManager (#7676)
Replace args4j with picocli (#7665)
Allow adding JSON data type for dimension column types (#7718)
Separate SegmentDirectoryLoader and tierBackend concepts (#7737)
Implement size balanced V4 raw chunk format (#7661)
Add presto-pinot-driver lib (#7384)
Fix null pointer exception for non-existed metric columns in schema for JDBC driver (#7175)
Fix the config key for TASK_MANAGER_FREQUENCY_PERIOD (#7198)
Fixed pinot java client to add zkClient close (#7196)
Ignore query json parse errors (#7165)
Make STRING to BOOLEAN data type change as backward compatible schema change (#7259)
Replace gcp hardcoded values with generic annotations (#6985)
Fix segment conversion executor for in-place conversion (#7265)
Fix reporting consuming rate when the Kafka partition level consumer isn't stopped (#7322)
Fix the issue with concurrent modification for segment lineage (#7343)
Fix TableNotFound error message in PinotHelixResourceManager (#7340)
Fix upload LLC segment endpoint truncated download URL (#7361)
Fix task scheduling on table update (#7362)
Fix metric method for ONLINE_MINION_INSTANCES metric (#7363)
Fix JsonToPinotSchema behavior to be consistent with AvroSchemaToPinotSchema (#7366)
Fix currentOffset volatility in consuming segment(#7365)
Fix misleading error msg for missing URI (#7367)
Fix the correctness of getColumnIndices method (#7370)
Fix SegmentZKMetadta time handling (#7375)
Fix retention for cleaning up segment lineage (#7424)
Fix segment generator to not return illegal filenames (#7085)
Fix missing LLC segments in segment store by adding controller periodic task to upload them (#6778)
Fix parsing error messages returned to FileUploadDownloadClient (#7428)
Fix manifest scan which drives /version endpoint (#7456)
Fix missing rate limiter if brokerResourceEV becomes null due to ZK connection (#7470)
Fix race conditions between segment merge/roll-up and purge (or convertToRawIndex) tasks: (#7427)
Fix pql double quote checker exception (#7485)
Fix minion metrics exporter config (#7496)
Fix segment unable to retry issue by catching timeout exception during segment replace (#7509)
Add Exception to Broker Response When Not All Segments Are Available (Partial Response) (#7397)
Fix segment generation commands (#7527)
Return non zero from main with exception (#7482)
Fix parquet plugin shading error (#7570)
Fix the lowest partition id is not 0 for LLC (#7066)
Fix star-tree index map when column name contains '.' (#7623)
Fix cluster manager URLs encoding issue(#7639)
Fix fieldConfig nullable validation (#7648)
Fix verifyHostname issue in FileUploadDownloadClient (#7703)
Fix TableCache schema to include the built-in virtual columns (#7706)
Fix DISTINCT with AS function (#7678)
Fix SDF pattern in DataPreprocessingHelper (#7721)
Fix fields missing issue in the source in ParquetNativeRecordReader (#7742)
This release introduced several new features, including compatibility tests, enhanced complex type and Json support, partial upsert support, and new stream ingestion plugins.
This release introduced several awesome new features, including compatibility tests, enhanced complex type and Json support, partial upsert support, and new stream ingestion plugins (AWS Kinesis, Apache Pulsar). It contains a lot of query enhancements such as new timestamp
and boolean
type support and flexible numerical column comparison. It also includes many key bug fixes. See details below.
The release was cut from the following commit: fe83e95aa9124ee59787c580846793ff7456eaa5
and the following cherry-picks:
Extract time handling for SegmentProcessorFramework (#7158)
Add Apache Pulsar low level and high level connector (#7026)
Enable parallel builds for compat checker (#7149)
Add controller/server API to fetch aggregated segment metadata (#7102)
Support Dictionary Based Plan For DISTINCT (#7141)
Provide HTTP client to kinesis builder (#7148)
Add datetime function with 2 arguments (#7116)
Adding ability to check ingestion status for Offline Pinot table (#7070)
Add timestamp datatype support in JDBC (#7117)
Allow updating controller and broker helix hostname (#7064)
Cancel running Kinesis consumer tasks when timeout occurs (#7109)
Added TaskMetricsEmitted periodic controler job (#7091)
Support json path expressions in query. (#6998)
Support data preprocessing for AVRO and ORC formats (#7062)
Add partial upsert config and mergers (#6899)
Add support for range index rule recommendation(#7034) (#7063)
Allow reloading consuming segment by default (#7078)
Add LZ4 Compression Codec (#6804) ([#7035](https://github.com/apache/pinot/pull/7035
Make Pinot JDK 11 Compilable (#6424\
Introduce in-Segment Trim for GroupBy OrderBy Query (#6991)
Produce GenericRow file in segment processing mapper (#7013)
Add ago() scalar transform function (#6820)
Add Bloom Filter support for IN predicate(#7005) (#7007)
Add genericRow file reader and writer (#6997)
Normalize LHS and RHS numerical types for >, >=, <, and <= operators. (#6927)
Add Kinesis Stream Ingestion Plugin (#6661)
feature/#6766 JSON and Startree index information in API (#6873)
Support null value fields in generic row ser/de (#6968)
Implement PassThroughTransformOperator to optimize select queries(#6972) (#6973)
Optimize TIME_CONVERT/DATE_TIME_CONVERT predicates (#6957)
Prefetch call to fetch buffers of columns seen in the query (#6967)
Enabling compatibility tests in the script (#6959)
Add collectionToJsonMode to schema inference (#6946)
Add the complex-type support to decoder/reader (#6945)
Adding a new Controller API to retrieve ingestion status for realtime… (#6890)
Add support for Long in Modulo partition function. (#6929)
Enhance PinotSegmentRecordReader to preserve null values (#6922)
add complex-type support to avro-to-pinot schema inference (#6928)
Add correct yaml files for real time data(#6787) (#6916)
Add complex-type transformation to offline segment creation (#6914)
Add config File support(#6787) (#6901)
Enhance JSON index to support nested array (#6877)
Add debug endpoint for tables. (#6897)
JSON column datatype support. (#6878)
Allow empty string in MV column (#6879)
Add Zstandard compression support with JMH benchmarking(#6804) (#6876)
Normalize LHS and RHS numerical types for = and != operator. (#6811)
Change ConcatCollector implementation to use off-heap (#6847)
[PQL Deprecation] Clean up the old BrokerRequestOptimizer (#6859)
[PQL Deprecation] Do not compile PQL broker request for SQL query (#6855)
Add TIMESTAMP and BOOLEAN data type support (#6719)
Add admin endpoint for Pinot Minon. (#6822)
Remove the usage of PQL compiler (#6808)
Add endpoints in Pinot Controller, Broker and Server to get system and application configs. (#6817)
Support IN predicate in ColumnValue SegmentPruner(#6756) (#6776)
Enable adding new segments to a upsert-enabled realtime table (#6567)
Interface changes for Kinesis connector (#6667)
Pinot Minion SegmentGenerationAndPush task: PinotFS configs inside taskSpec is always temporary and has higher priority than default PinotFS created by the minion server configs (#6744)
DataTable V3 implementation and measure data table serialization cost on server (#6710)
add uploadLLCSegment endpoint in TableResource (#6653)
File-based SegmentWriter implementation (#6718)
Basic Auth for pinot-controller (#6613)
UI integration with Authentication API and added login page (#6686)
Support data ingestion for offline segment in one pass (#6479)
SumPrecision: support all data types and star-tree (#6668)
complete compatibility regression testing (#6650)
Kinesis implementation Part 1: Rename partitionId to partitionGroupId (#6655)
Make Pinot metrics pluggable (#6640)
Recover the segment from controller when LLC table cannot load it (#6647)
Adding a new API for validating specified TableConfig and Schema (#6620)
Introduce a metric for query/response size on broker. (#6590)
Adding a controller periodic task to clean up dead minion instances (#6543)
Adding new validation for Json, TEXT indexing (#6541)
Always return a response from query execution. (#6596)
After the 0.8.0 release, we will officially support jdk 11, and can now safely start to use jdk 11 features. Code is still compilable with jdk 8 (#6424)
RealtimeToOfflineSegmentsTask config has some backward incompatible changes (#7158)
— timeColumnTransformFunction
is removed (backward-incompatible, but rollup is not supported anyway)
— Deprecate collectorType
and replace it with mergeType
— Add roundBucketTimePeriod
and partitionBucketTimePeriod
to config the time bucket for round and partition
Regex path for pluggable MinionEventObserverFactory
is changed from org.apache.pinot.*.event.*
to org.apache.pinot.*.plugin.minion.tasks.*
Moved all pinot built-in minion tasks to the pinot-minion-builtin-tasks
module and package them into a shaded jar (#6618)
Reloading consuming segment flag pinot.server.instance.reload.consumingSegment
will be true by default (#7078)
Move JSON decoder from pinot-kafka
to pinot-json
package. (#7021)
Backward incompatible schema change through controller rest API PUT /schemas/{schemaName}
will be blocked. (#6737)
Deprecated /tables/validateTableAndSchema
in favor of the new configs/validate API and introduced new APIs for /tableConfigs
to operate on the realtime table config, offline table config and schema in one shot. (#6840)
Fix race condition in MinionInstancesCleanupTask (#7122)
Fix custom instance id for controller/broker/minion (#7127)
Fix UpsertConfig JSON deserialization. (#7125)
Fix the memory issue for selection query with large limit (#7112)
Fix the deleted segments directory not exist warning (#7097)
Fixing docker build scripts by providing JDK_VERSION as parameter (#7095)
Misc fixes for json data type (#7057)
Fix handling of date time columns in query recommender(#7018) (#7031)
fixing pinot-hadoop and pinot-spark test (#7030)
Fixing HadoopPinotFS listFiles method to always contain scheme (#7027)
fixed GenericRow compare for different _fieldToValueMap size (#6964)
Fix NPE in NumericalFilterOptimizer due to IS NULL and IS NOT NULL operator. (#7001)
Fix the race condition in realtime text index refresh thread (#6858) (#6990)
Fix deep store directory structure (#6976)
Fix NPE issue when consumed kafka message is null or the record value is null. (#6950)
Mitigate calcite NPE bug. (#6908)
Fix the exception thrown in the case that a specified table name does not exist (#6328) (#6765)
Fix CAST transform function for chained transforms (#6941)
Fixed failing pinot-controller npm build (#6795)
The 0.2.0 release is the first release after the initial one and includes several improvements, reported following.
Added support for Kafka 2.0
Table rebalancer now supports a minimum number of serving replicas during rebalance
Added support for UDF in filter predicates and selection
Added support to use hex string as the representation of byte array for queries (see PR #4041)
Added support for parquet reader (see PR #3852)
Introduced interface stability and audience annotations (see PR #4063)
Refactor HelixBrokerStarter to separate constructor and start() - backwards incompatible (see PR #4100)
Admin tool for listing segments with invalid intervals for offline tables
Migrated to log4j2 (see PR #4139)
Added simple avro msg decoder
Added support for passing headers in Pinot client
Table rebalancer now supports a minimum number of serving replicas during rebalance
Support transform functions with AVG aggregation function (see PR #4557)
Configurations additions/changes
Allow customized metrics prefix (see PR #4392)
Controller.enable.batch.message.mode to false by default (see PR #3928)
RetentionManager and OfflineSegmentIntervalChecker initial delays configurable (see PR #3946)
Config to control kafka fetcher size and increase default (see PR #3869)
Added a percent threshold to consider startup of services (see PR #4011)
Make SingleConnectionBrokerRequestHandler as default (see PR #4048)
Always enable default column feature, remove the configuration (see PR #4074)
Remove redundant default broker configurations (see PR #4106)
Removed some config keys in server(see PR #4222)
Add config to disable HLC realtime segment (see PR #4235)
Make RetentionManager and OfflineSegmentIntervalChecker initial delays configurable (see PR #3946)
The following config variables are deprecated and will be removed in the next release:
pinot.broker.requestHandlerType will be removed, in favor of using the "singleConnection" broker request handler. If you have set this configuration, please remove it and use the default type ("singleConnection") for broker request handler.
We are in the process of separating Helix and Pinot controllers, so that administrators can have the option of running independent Helix controllers and Pinot controllers.
We are in the process of moving towards supporting SQL query format and results.
We are in the process of separating instance and segment assignment using instance pools to optimize the number of Helix state transitions in Pinot clusters with thousands of tables.
Task management does not work correctly in this release, due to bugs in Helix. We will upgrade to Helix 0.9.2 (or later) version to get this fixed.
You must upgrade to this release before moving onto newer versions of Pinot release. The protocol between Pinot-broker and Pinot-server has been changed and this release has the code to retain compatibility moving forward. Skipping this release may (depending on your environment) cause query errors if brokers are upgraded and servers are in the process of being upgraded.
As always, we recommend that you upgrade controllers first, and then brokers and lastly the servers in order to have zero downtime in production clusters.
Pull Request #4100 introduces a backwards incompatible change to Pinot broker. If you use the Java constructor on HelixBrokerStarter class, then you will face a compilation error with this version. You will need to construct the object and call start() method in order to start the broker.
Pull Request #4139 introduces a backwards incompatible change for log4j configuration. If you used a custom log4j configuration (log4j.xml), you need to write a new log4j2 configuration (log4j2.xml). In addition, you may need to change the arguments on the command line to start Pinot components.
If you used Pinot-admin command to start Pinot components, you don't need any change. If you used your own commands to start pinot components, you will need to pass the new log4j2 config as a jvm parameter (i.e. substitute -Dlog4j.configuration or -Dlog4j.configurationFile argument with -Dlog4j2.configurationFile=log4j2.xml).
0.4.0 release introduced the theta-sketch based distinct count function, an S3 filesystem plugin, a unified star-tree index implementation, migration from TimeFieldSpec to DateTimeFieldSpec, etc.
0.4.0 release introduced various new features, including the theta-sketch based distinct count aggregation function, an S3 filesystem plugin, a unified star-tree index implementation, deprecation of TimeFieldSpec in favor of DateTimeFieldSpec, etc. Miscellaneous refactoring, performance improvement and bug fixes were also included in this release. See details below.
Made DateTimeFieldSpecs mainstream and deprecated TimeFieldSpec (#2756)
Used time column from table config instead of schema (#5320)
Included dateTimeFieldSpec in schema columns of Pinot Query Console #5392
Used DATE_TIME as the primary time column for Pinot tables (#5399)
Supported range queries using indexes (#5240)
Supported complex aggregation functions
Supported Aggregation functions with multiple arguments (#5261)
Added api in AggregationFunction to get compiled input expressions (#5339)
Added a simple PinotFS benchmark driver (#5160)
Supported default star-tree (#5147)
Added an initial implementation for theta-sketch based distinct count aggregation function (#5316)
One minor side effect: DataSchemaPruner won't work for DistinctCountThetaSketchAggregatinoFunction (#5382)
Added access control for Pinot server segment download api (#5260)
Added Pinot S3 Filesystem Plugin (#5249)
Text search improvement
Pruned stop words for text index (#5297)
Used 8byte offsets in chunk based raw index creator (#5285)
Derived num docs per chunk from max column value length for varbyte raw index creator (#5256)
Added inter segment tests for text search and fixed a bug for Lucene query parser creation (#5226)
Made text index query cache a configurable option (#5176)
Added Lucene DocId to PinotDocId cache to improve performance (#5177)
Removed the construction of second bitmap in text index reader to improve performance (#5199)
Tooling/usability improvement
Added template support for Pinot Ingestion Job Spec (#5341)
Allowed user to specify zk data dir and don't do clean up during zk shutdown (#5295)
Allowed configuring minion task timeout in the PinotTaskGenerator (#5317)
Update JVM settings for scripts (#5127)
Added Stream github events demo (#5189)
Moved docs link from gitbook to docs.pinot.apache.org (#5193)
Re-implemented ORCRecordReader (#5267)
Evaluated schema transform expressions during ingestion (#5238)
Handled count distinct query in selection list (#5223)
Enabled async processing in pinot broker query api (#5229)
Supported bootstrap mode for table rebalance (#5224)
Supported order-by on BYTES column (#5213)
Added Nightly publish to binary (#5190)
Shuffled the segments when rebalancing the table to avoid creating hotspot servers (#5197)
Supported inbuilt transform functions (#5312)
Added date time transform functions (#5326)
Deepstore by-pass in LLC: introduced segment uploader (#5277, #5314)
APIs Additions/Changes
Added a new server api for download of segments
/GET /segments/{tableNameWithType}/{segmentName}
Upgraded helix to 0.9.7 (#5411)
Added support to execute functions during query compilation (#5406)
Other notable refactoring
Moved table config into pinot-spi (#5194)
Cleaned up integration tests. Standardized the creation of schema, table config and segments (#5385)
Added jsonExtractScalar function to extract field from json object (#4597)
Added template support for Pinot Ingestion Job Spec #5372
Cleaned up AggregationFunctionContext (#5364)
Optimized real-time range predicate when cardinality is high (#5331)
Made PinotOutputFormat use table config and schema to create segments (#5350)
Tracked unavailable segments in InstanceSelector (#5337)
Added a new best effort segment uploader with bounded upload time (#5314)
In SegmentPurger, used table config to generate the segment (#5325)
Decoupled schema from RecordReader and StreamMessageDecoder (#5309)
Implemented ARRAYLENGTH UDF for multi-valued columns (#5301)
Improved GroupBy query performance (#5291)
Optimized ExpressionFilterOperator (#5132)
Do not release the PinotDataBuffer when closing the index (#5400)
Handled a no-arg function in query parsing and expression tree (#5375)
Fixed compatibility issues during rolling upgrade due to unknown json fields (#5376)
Fixed missing error message from pinot-admin command (#5305)
Fixed HDFS copy logic (#5218)
Fixed spark ingestion issue (#5216)
Fixed the capacity of the DistinctTable (#5204)
Fixed various links in the Pinot website
Upsert: support overriding data in the real-time table (#4261).
Add pinot upsert features to pinot common (#5175)
Enhancements for theta-sketch, e.g. multiValue aggregation support, complex predicates, performance tuning, etc
TableConfig no longer support de-serialization from json string of nested json string (i.e. no \"
inside the json) (#5194)
The following APIs are changed in AggregationFunction (use TransformExpressionTree instead of String as the key of blockValSetMap) (#5371):
This release introduced several awesome new features, including JSON index, lookup-based join support, geospatial support, TLS support for pinot connections, and various performance optimizations.
This release introduced several awesome new features, including JSON index, lookup-based join support, geospatial support, TLS support for pinot connections, and various performance optimizations and improvements.
It also adds several new APIs to better manage the segments and upload data to the offline table. It also contains many key bug fixes. See details below.
The release was cut from the following commit: 78152cd
and the following cherry-picks:
Add a server metric: queriesDisabled
to check if queries disabled or not. (#6586)
Real Time Provisioning Helper tool improvement to take data characteristics as input instead of an actual segment (#6546)
Add the isolation level config isolation.level
to Kafka consumer (2.0) to ingest transactionally committed messages only (#6580)
Enhance StarTreeIndexViewer to support multiple trees (#6569)
Improves ADLSGen2PinotFS with service principal based auth, auto create container on initial run. It's backwards compatible with key based auth. (#6531)
Add metrics for minion tasks status (#6549)
Use minion data directory as tmp directory for SegmentGenerationAndPushTask to ensure directory is always cleaned up (#6560)
Add optional HTTP basic auth to pinot broker, which enables user- and table-level authentication of incoming queries. (#6552)
Add Access Control for REST endpoints of Controller (#6507)
Add date_trunc to scalar functions to support date_trunc during ingestion (#6538)
Allow tar gz with > 8gb size (#6533)
Add cron scheduler metrics reporting (#6502)
Support generating derived column during segment load, so that derived columns can be added on-the-fly (#6494)
Support chained transform functions (#6495)
Add scalar function JsonPathArray to extract arrays from json (#6490)
Add a guard against multiple consuming segments for same partition (#6483)
Remove the usage of deprecated range delimiter (#6475)
Handle scheduler calls with proper response when it's disabled. (#6474)
Simplify SegmentGenerationAndPushTask handling getting schema and table config (#6469)
Add a cluster config to config number of concurrent tasks per instance for minion task: SegmentGenerationAndPushTaskGenerator (#6468)
Replace BrokerRequestOptimizer with QueryOptimizer to also optimize the PinotQuery (#6423)
Add additional string scalar functions (#6458)
Add additional scalar functions for array type (#6446)
Add CRON scheduler for Pinot tasks (#6451)
Set default Data Type while setting type in Add Schema UI dialog (#6452)
Add ImportData sub command in pinot admin (#6396)
Make minion tasks pluggable via reflection (#6395)
Add compatibility test for segment operations upload and delete (#6382)
Add segment reset API that disables and then enables the segment (#6336)
Add Pinot minion segment generation and push task. (#6340)
Add a version option to pinot admin to show all the component versions (#6380)
Add FST index using lucene lib to speedup REGEXP_LIKE operator on text (#6120)
Add APIs for uploading data to an offline table. (#6354)
Allow the use of environment variables in stream configs (#6373)
Enhance task schedule api for single type/table support (#6352)
Add broker time range based pruner for routing. Query operators supported: RANGE, =, <, <=, >, >=, AND, OR
Add json path functions to extract values from json object (#6347)
Create a pluggable interface for Table config tuner (#6255)
Add a Controller endpoint to return table creation time (#6331)
Add tooltips, ability to enable-disable table state to the UI (#6327)
Add Pinot Minion client (#6339)
Add more efficient use of RoaringBitmap in OnHeapBitmapInvertedIndexCreator and OffHeapBitmapInvertedIndexCreator (#6320)
Add decimal percentile support. (#6323)
Add API to get status of consumption of a table (#6322)
Add support to add offline and realtime tables, individually able to add schema and schema listing in UI (#6296)
Improve performance for distinct queries (#6285)
Allow adding custom configs during the segment creation phase (#6299)
Use sorted index based filtering only for dictionary encoded column (#6288)
Enhance forward index reader for better performance (#6262)
Support for text index without raw (#6284)
Add api for cluster manager to get table state (#6211)
Perf optimization for SQL GROUP BY ORDER BY (#6225)
Add support using environment variables in the format of ${VAR_NAME:DEFAULT_VALUE}
in Pinot table configs. (#6271)
Pinot controller metrics prefix is fixed to add a missing dot (#6499). This is a backward-incompatible change that JMX query on controller metrics must be updated
Legacy group key delimiter (\t) was removed to be backward-compatible with release 0.5.0 (#6589)
Upgrade zookeeper version to 3.5.8 to fix ZOOKEEPER-2184: Zookeeper Client should re-resolve hosts when connection attempts fail. (#6558)
Add TLS-support for client-pinot and pinot-internode connections (#6418) Upgrades to a TLS-enabled cluster can be performed safely and without downtime. To achieve a live-upgrade, go through the following steps:
First, configure alternate ingress ports for https/netty-tls on brokers, controllers, and servers. Restart the components with a rolling strategy to avoid cluster downtime.
Second, verify manually that https access to controllers and brokers is live. Then, configure all components to prefer TLS-enabled connections (while still allowing unsecured access). Restart the individual components.
Third, disable insecure connections via configuration. You may also have to set controller.vip.protocol and controller.vip.port and update the configuration files of any ingestion jobs. Restart components a final time and verify that insecure ingress via http is not available anymore.
PQL endpoint on Broker is deprecated (#6607)
Apache Pinot has adopted SQL syntax and semantics. Legacy PQL (Pinot Query Language) is deprecated and no longer supported. Please use SQL syntax to query Pinot on broker endpoint /query/sql and controller endpoint /sql
Fix the SIGSEGV for large index (#6577)
Handle creation of segments with 0 rows so segment creation does not fail if data source has 0 rows. (#6466)
Fix QueryRunner tool for multiple runs (#6582)
Use URL encoding for the generated segment tar name to handle characters that cannot be parsed to URI. (#6571)
Fix a bug of miscounting the top nodes in StarTreeIndexViewer (#6569)
Fix the raw bytes column in real-time segment (#6574)
Fixes a bug to allow using JSON_MATCH predicate in SQL queries (#6535)
Fix the overflow issue when loading the large dictionary into the buffer (#6476)
Fix empty data table for distinct query (#6363)
Fix the default map return value in DictionaryBasedGroupKeyGenerator (#6712)
Fix log message in ControllerPeriodicTask (#6709)
Fix license headers and plugin checks